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Simian lines in palmistry are rare/uncommon lines. The head and heart are joined/fused together to form a simian line in hand.

People in general desire different lines on the palm. Different lines or rare lines on palm need not be good lines. In addition, Simian lines palmistry have little bearing on success or failure. To know more about rare lines.
Simian Line Meaning
The Simian line personality is different and difficult to understand. The personality of a person with the Simian line is linked to a variety of physical and behavioural problems, including Down syndrome.
Do not be frightened, by the mere presence of Simian lines. Very few people have a flawless Simian line. Do not be concerned if you do have Simian lines in hand.
The combination of head/thought processes merging with heart feelings into one. The simian line is merging the headline i.e. thought process and the heart line i.e. the emotional process into one. Therefore, the Simian line means, the decisions are formed with no distinction between the thoughts and the feelings.

Generally, there is a gap between the head and heart line on hands means thoughts are independent of feelings. In normal people without both head and heart line on palm fused together to form better predictable decisions in tune with the general public.
Major aspect of Simian Line
The Simian line creates a strong wall, the demarcation between two sides of the line. The two sides of the Simian segment the hand into two and block direct link with planets on each side.
Strict boundaries are created between Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, and Mercury on one side and Mars negative, Venus, moon, plains of Mars, and positive mars on the other side.

A hand without a Simian line has a gap for energy to flow freely. All the planets are connected together without a strong demarcated simian line.
The flow of energy means that if we draw a pen line over our hands from the mount of mercury without cutting head and heart line it is possible in the hands of a person where people have head and heart line. In the hand of a person who has a simian line drawing a line with a pen is not possible without cutting the simian line.
Do Simian line give extraordinary skills and success
Some persons with the Simian line may possess extraordinary skills. This does not mean everyone with a Simian line possesses some unique talent.
The simian line appears as a long head line running across the palm. Even if we consider the Simian line to be a long head line, it does not mean more intelligence. The Head line as such is not the line of intelligence. The area marked for intelligence is the Mount of Mercury on palm. The Head line indicates mental strength. The mental strength is not intelligence.

Apart from the presence of a Simian line, every aspect of palm reading must be considered before reaching a judgement.
Simian Line and decision making
People with simian lines take one-sided decisions. The decisions are lopsided, either only thought process or feeling based. Simian line in both hands solidifies its meaning as mentioned in this article.

At the same time, such people make strong mental boundaries and their thinking is limited. Limited thinking does not mean that they are fools or idiots. They may in fact be geniuses. But every simian line is not a genius.
Simian line Personality
The Simian line personality is different and unpredictable. So the person with a simian line may be tilted towards one side.

The person tilts maybe towards, totally head i.e. thought dominated with no emotions, feelings, or sensitivity. It may be reversed where feelings dominate the thought process. The Simian line on right hand or left hand the meaning remains the same.
The Simian line on both hands solidifies the effects and its meaning.
Two different types of Simian Lines
Head dominated simian line
The heart line may appear to be a single head line without any heart line. The meaning of such a line is mind overshadows the heart.

It means the thought overpowers the emotions completely.
Heart dominated simian line
Type two Simian lines may appear as a single heart line. The meaning of such a line means that the heart overshadows the head.

It means the feelings and emotions overpowers the thoughts completely. The decisions that are formed are purely emotionally based without the use of mind the thought process.
Various types of Simian Line
The appearance of the Simian line is in form of one single line. There may be variations in Simian lines and a perfect Simian line is rarely found on one’s hands.
Simian Line Video explanation
Please watch the video dedicated to Simian lines. You need to watch the video carefully to understand what is the true meaning of these lines and what they can do to you. We do not need to be afraid if a palmist has indicated that it gives negative effects.
Simian Line compared with normal lines of head and heart
Normal lines of head and heart
Normal people have independent lines of head and heart, not touching each other. Normal common lines on the palm mean predictable personality. The meaning of the head and heart line is as follows.

- The line of head is for the thought process. The origination of our thought process and ultimately where it leads to.
- The heart line is for feelings, emotions, and sensitivity. The origination of our feelings and where it’s targetted.
- When both head and heart lines are independent it signifies balanced decisions making. Decisions that are taken with feelings i.e. heart line and thought process i.e. headline.
- By balanced decisions, we mean that feelings and thought process is incorporated to form the final decision.
The final decision taken by normal people has a balanced view of any situation. Unbalanced decisions are either headstrong decisions or total emotional tilted decisions.
Simian line characteristics
Physical characteristic is simple both the head and heart line are fused together. The mental and emotional characteristics depend upon if it is a heart dominated simian line or head dominated simian headline.

Sometimes the appearance of the simian line may appear to be head dominated and sometimes it might be heart dominated. Although there will be only one line one crease.
Sometimes simian lines appear perfect and sometimes even an experienced palmist is not absolutely clear.
Simian lines appear to be heart lines from a single transverse crease across the palm of the hand indicates a person is totally heart oriented, with no scope of thoughts.
Describing Simian line with an analogy
For the puppose of discribing Simain lines let us compare it with a football game. There are 2 teams in a football game. The two tema playing the game is feelings(heart line) and thought(headline).
The area between the head and heart is the playing ground for thoughts and emotions/feelings to mingle together to form decisions. All our decisions are very complicated complex decisions. The thoughts and feelings mingle to form decisions.

Because simian line is a single line/crease, it ends the possibilities of any space between the head and heart line. So the decisions that are formed are total one-sided decisions. Owing to only one team to playing the game, the decisions are lop sided. Team head if playing will form headstrong decisions while team heart playing will form emotional decisions.
Sometimes while analysing a simian line it is hard to infer if it is a heart simian line or head simian line.
Simian line on Palm
Simian lines on palm is a rare sign. However rare sign does not mean that this sign is not seen at all. There are various variations in Simian lines. Simian lines are found on the hands of monkeys. This does not mean people with Simian lines are monkeys.
The main difference between the Simian line and people without it is the distance between the head and heart lines. Actually, in a normal person, there is a gap between the head and heart line. Whereas in hand so simian line there is no gap at all.
Simian line Palmistry
The simian line is researched in medical science as well as palmistry as well. Palmistry accepts whatever science explains about simian lines. In addition, palmistry can tell a few things about the personality of a person with a simian line.
The important thing is that due to variations of Simian lines the meaning changes. Few simian lines are perfect simian lines, while others sometimes we do have doubt if we can call the lines to be a perfect simian line.
Simian line on both palm
Simian lines can be found on just one hand or both the palm. Finding simian lines on both the palm solidifies the outcome of simian line meaning on one’s palm. If the simian line is found on just one palm we still look for scope for a normal personality whereas if found on both palms we are absolutely sure the meaning of the simian line applies on the total.
Simian line celebrity

Prime minister, King, actor, artist people in all professions do have a simian line. The simian line does not bring profit, success, luck, success nor does it bring losses. In other words, do not look at simian lines as good or bad.
Famous personalities with simian lines Tony Blair (former UK Prime Minister), Salman Saud (King of Saudi Arabia), Takashi Murakami ( Artist), Robert De Niro (Actor), Anthony Hopkins (Actor) Benedict Cumberbatch. Although people with failure do have a simian line on one’s palm.
Simian line genius

The simian line does not determine if a person is a genius. The absence of a simian line does not make one a fool. For instance, Intelligence is a quality of mount of mercury. The simian line consists of head and heart merging into one, however, a headline can only tell about our mental inclination and not our intelligence nor does it tell if a person is a genius.
Simian line rarity
Simian lines are rare and I do think that it is seen in 1 in 100 people. However, to find a perfect simian line maybe even rarer 1 in 1000 people or even more.
Simian line autism
Autism is broadly explained as a disorder of social skills, speech, expression, and doing things repeatedly.
Similarly to find autism purely by looking at the simian line and concluding that the child or a person suffers from autism may be a wrong way to interpret the simian line on the palm.

Additionally, apart from a simian line, the person may as well have bad markings on the mount of Mercury, Saturn, Moon and other planets as well. Besides just one marking will not give negative results, it’s always a combination of all symbols on the palm. It’s almost impossible to pinpoint autism by palmistry.
Perfect Simian lines with another aspect good on one’s palm may indicate a normal life. It’s only when the head and the heart line are erratic, broken, wavy that’s when we may indicate problems. Additionally with Simian line may mean some disorder, but not necessarily Autism.
Simian line and down syndrome
Medical science associates down syndrome to Simian crease. Medical practitioners call Simian lines as a crease and not lines.
Medical science talks about simian line with down syndrome Many people who have a simian line don’t suffer from Down’s syndrome. There may be other markings on the palm that may indicate down syndrome like sin pattern atd angle, skin ridges etc.

Down syndrome is associated with delayed development. A perfect Simian line/crease is difficult to find on one’s palm. Even if you do have a Simian line it does not mean you have Down’s Syndrome. Probably due to the imperfect Simian line the effect of Down Syndrome may be limited. Furthermore, Robert de Niro has a perfect Simian line yet his life is normal life.
Simian line astrology
There is no Simian line in astrology. Simain lines are only seen on the palm, not on the birth chart.
Simian line albert einstein

It is fake news that Albert Einstein had a Samian line. Albert Einstein doesn’t have a simian line in fact he has a perfectly normal head and heart line.
Simian line and mental illness
The simian line is also associated with mental illness. There are big examples that in spite presence of simian line people are leading a perfectly normal life. But yes these people are different mentally and emotionally.

Just because these people react differently emotionally and mentally we can’t say that these people have a mental illness.
Simian line and both hands
Simian lines can be found on both hands left as well as right. Presence on both hands solidifies whatever we have to say about the Simian line.
Simian line baby

Simian lines do not form abruptly at one particular age. These lines can be seen right from childhood and they will remain throughout life.
Simian line famous people

Simian line benefits
The only benefit of the simian line is the person is completely headstrong or total emotional. These people might be very good friends or bitter enemies.
Headstrong does not mean that the person is sure shot going to be successful. People with Simian lines might create strong mental boundaries. This might give negative results as well.
The presence of simple simian lines is always better than complicated lines. Very few people do have perfect Simian lines, therefore the effects of simian lines are limited.
Simian line bad luck

Simian lines do not bring about bad luck but because these people are different their life is going to be different. The difference is a subjective word it can be good or bad as well. The other indications on the palm are good with a simian line it will lead to good results success. If there are negative aspects on the palm with the presence of a simian line it will lead to failure and problems in work as well as relationships.
Simian line crease
In medical science, this line is called the crease. It is when a single line runs across the palm horizontally, from the side of the palm towards the other side just below the 4 fingers.
There are many variations of simian lines. Each variation will bring about a different meaning to these lines.
Simian line criminal
I don’t consider the simian line to be the line of criminal. The reason is the biggest most notorious criminals do have simple heads and heart lines. But, if these people become criminals they could be really hardened criminals and dangerous.
Normally people do not understand these people completely, it’s because the thoughts and feelings are working at different levels. Moreover, the decision-making process is totally different from other normal people. These people do not take into account the thought and feelings together to come to a conclusion.

For instance, even criminals might be afraid of these people with a simian line. The reason is that their personality is tilted one-sided. I repeat simian lines need not be criminals.
Finally, people do not understand these people completely. We may find people with simian lines hard to relate to and understand.
A common behaviour is seen more with people who have independent lines of head and heart. This does not mean that people with normal lines are not capable of taking extreme steps, for example killing someone. It is what happens after the act has been done. The behaviour of both these people is going to be different.
Simian line chinese palmistry
Simian line career
The simian line can’t tell about career prospects., it’s all depended upon the quality of palm, mounts. If a simian line person makes efforts to better their prospects they can do it these people would make extreme to make things better for themselves because of single-sided purpose in their life.
Simian line chromosomal disorders
Medical science does talk about chromosomal disorders in the hands of people who have simian lines palmistry can’t talk much about this particular aspect
Simian line character
Character of this particular person with simian line is very different from others. Character of these people may be harsh, headstrong, lacking in emotions, one-sided singular purpose. These people would also not bring emotions in their decision making. Wife or other relationships have a hard time understanding these people these people are not normal people.
To understand a person with the simian line you need to understand a normal person with a normal line of head and heart line. A normal person takes predictable kinds of decisions taken in society. A normal person will take into account emotions as well as the thought process to come to the final conclusion. A normal person makes get angry if somebody says something bad about him, yet he will contain his anger and not go to in the extreme. A person with a simian line may go in extreme but that doesn’t mean that they might be a dangerous or angry character. A person might find it difficult to correlate with this particular person.
2 simian lines
2 Simian lines are uncommon very few people have a double simian line this is likely to double the effect of whatever we have already explained regarding the simian line. It is not a good indication and whoever the person relates to or is in a relationship the other person will feel discomfort. This person with a double simian line is also going to feel the discomfort as they would question why the other person is not understanding them.
Simian line definition
The medical terminology of this particular line is single transverse palmar crease.
Simian is also referred to as a monkey. Monkeys do have similar kind of one single line.
Simian line destiny
Simian line directly does not have anything to do with destiny, it is more to do with your personality.
Simian line disorders
The disorder is mainly in the personality. There may not be any physical disorder. People with simian line live normally with other people with normal kind of lines. Although due to variation in the personality few problems can be expected.
Simian line dangerous
Simian line people may be very good friends or bitter enemies. There is no middle ground so they may go to the extreme. By extreme we mean the mind, head, the thoughts leaving no scope for feelings and emotions.
Simultaneously, it may also be the other way around, with extremes in emotions and feelings and no room for thoughts and thinking. People with simian lines will lack rational behaviour. As a result, there will be unusual conduct.
Simian line double
There is no such thing as a double simian line. If there are two lines it is likely to be the head line and the heart line.
Although a person can have two long crease or lines running from one end to the other. This type of line should not be referred to as a simian line.
Simian line ethnicity
Ethnicity does not have anything to do with simian line. This line is prevalent in every country ethnicity everywhere.
Simian line effect
The effect of this simain is purely and purely to do with one’s personality.
Simian line life expectancy
Life expectancy of a person with simian line is same as with any other person.
Simian line meaning
The meaning of simian line is a person who has one line running across the hand that mergers the head and the heart time into one.
Simian line facts
Simain line can be in the hand of male female transgender anybody.
The effect of this particular line is going to be quite similar in male female transgender anybody.
Simian line future
The future of a person with similar line is like anybody else. The only issue that may arise relationship that is somewhat different. Different does not mean good or bad.
Simian line fate
Simian line female
Simian line fortune
Simian line facts and information
The simian line just make’s one’s personality different. It means that the person will react differently in times when a decision has to be made. Our decisions are formed with two parts our feelings and our thought process. By different, we mean that the way a simian line person reacts to a situation is going to be completely different from a person who has a normal kind of line.
Simian line good or bad
There is nothing good or bad about this line. At times it will give negative results and at times positive results. If a really difficult task is required, these individuals will be able to complete it under any conditions. Please notice that because there are many various types of hands and simian lines, this functionality is not available to all simian lines.
Simian line genetics
Simian line gifted
Simian line health
Simian line how common
Simian line hand analysis
Simian line indian celebrities
i have simian lines on both hands
Simian line indian celebrities
Simian line left hand
Simian line lucky
Different palmists have a different opinion about the simian line, Some palmist interprets simian lines to be lucky while others say unlucky. A client thinks that because they have a rare line surely it may indicate success. We can’t correlate simian lines to be luck lines at all.
Simian line leader
Simian line love life
Simian line love
Simian line medical conditions
In medical science too it is correlated to certain diseases like Down syndrome, learning disability, delayed development, speech disorder, learning disability, hyperactivity. Please do not think that you may suffer from all these things for sure. It may be in the various degree that a person may mildly suffer these health issues. In fact, a person may be highly successful and world-famous.
Simian line newborn
Simian Line lucky or unlucky sign
What does Simian Line signify
Different types of Simian Line explained with space between head & heart line
The space between the two lines maybe large medium small or no space at all
Not everyone has a perfect Simian Line it means people may have a simian line yet have heard or heart line too maybe shorter to a smaller degree. To understand simian lines we have to consider many aspects from different angles.
A person with a simian line may have difficulty expressing emotions or their thought process. Try to look at this in a different way. We compare 2 people with a simian line and the other is a person with a normal head and heart line.
These people will not understand each other as both these people are different from inside. A person with a simian line, his one line when associating with a person with two independent lines head and heart will not understand the person as he himself has got one line that is a simian line.
Both of these people will not understand each other behavior. Most people have 2 lines that are head and heart line, so associating with these people, is easier and they are more predictable and rational. While simian line people may be comfortable with themselves but as other people do not have similar lines, like simian lines, therefore associating with these people is difficult. This aspect will run both ways.
Effects of a Simian Line
A person with a simian line may not think of consequences he or she may be a single-sided personality, either very emotional or headstrong. They do not possess any middle ground in their personality. They lack predictability and a normal person may not understand such people.
These people can be bitter enemies for great buddies friends. Palmist also describes these people who can separate logic and feelings.
As these lines are rare people assume the rare sign is better than normal sign, actually untrue. The person who has a simian line may be a top doctor politician businessman or even a manual laborer.
We can’t say with certainty that these people will always be successful or lucky. But yes if the purpose of life comes to this person they will achieve great heights. Randeep Surjewala does have these lines on his palm, he is a person who is very close to Rahul Gandhi a top leader in India his party Indian National Congress.
One good line can never mean success as people come up to ask me if they have one good sign. I feel that a combination of other good signs on the hand will provide success, not necessarily only one good sign
A perfect simian line in man left hand , means what?
Does not matter. Left hand or right hand
Meaning is same
does not matter if its your left hand or right hand. It also does not mean if you male or female. The meaning of simian line remains the same. Hope you have read the whole article on simian line
Hi I have simian line on both of my palms.
so after reading the article do you think you kind of corellate to what i have mentioned in the article
Hi i have also a simian line in the right
And i have a stage fear and communication problem
The simian line does not mean stage fear or communication problem. Communication problems may be seen on the mount of mercury. As explained in the article Simian lines just make ones personality different. Your communication problem may be due to something else.
I am 48 with simian line. I have never been successful in relationships. Seems that I am most comfortable alone but I do long for a deep and meaningful relationship with someone. Does this Simian line make it impossible to find my soulmate?
Soul Mate is a very big word. Even if you had the most normal kind of lines, the best possible lines. That doesn’t guarantee a soul mate. So be extremely happy. With whatever you have. Samian line, just makes a personality different. Difficult people to live in. This does not mean you will not find a soul mate. In fact, just take a look around you. How many people? Have found their soul mate. The percentage is going to be roughly. Less than 1%. Which is all OK. You’re not the only one left out.
Very interesting and educational video about simian line palms. I do have simian line on both hands. Here is the link of my right palm’s picture.
You’re very welcome! Its my policy not to accept any links on my post. If anyone wishes to contact you, they’ll need to do so via email. I do offer paid readings. Grateful for your positive feedback on my educational videos and articles. I’m glad we had this interaction. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. Thank you!
Hi I have a simian line in the right hand, I have strong mind and strong heart but I’m not successful in life at the age of 40
You inquired about the presence of a simian line in your right hand, expressing that despite possessing a strong mind and a resilient heart, you haven’t achieved the level of success you anticipated by the age of 40. I’d like to clarify that having a simian line doesn’t guarantee success. Instead, it can contribute to a distinct personality, as I’ve detailed in my article and blog. Success is influenced by a multitude of factors, in palmistry.
Left and right i have simian line
The meaning remains the same. It solidifies it. But you need to read the whole article. few times to understand it much better I have made multiple videos on. this particular aspect Kindly go through it.