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The area known as the Plains of Mars differs from the Mount of Mars.
The plains of Mars is the areas of the palm where the principal lines of our palm intersect. The plains of Mars is not the same as the Mars Negative area of the Mars Positive area.
Another name of Mars positive area is inner mars and Mars Positive area is also referred to as outer Mars. The qualities associated with all three mars is different from each other.
Location of Plains of Mars and/or Rahu mount
Plains of Mars and Rahu mount is located in the centre of the palm. Western palmists calls it Plains of mars while many Indian palmists refers to this area to be the area of the mount of Rahi.
The names can be different but the meaning has to be the same.
In the western system of palm reading mount of Rahu is not considered. While few Indian palmists consider the mount of Rahu planet in palm reading. While few Indian palmists consider the area of Rahu to be the area of plains of mars.
My personal opinion on Plains of Mars and/or Rahu mount
I personally give a palm reading from point of view of plains of mars. This does not mean that results are likely to be different. You may call a line with different names but the end results has to be the same.
Normally Rahu is feared in this article I will explain why not to fear the Rahu planet. the place where Vedic palmistry mentions Rahu that particular area is the plains of Mars. We can have a different name but the meaning of the area is same.
Time and age defined on the Rahu mount / plains of mars
The area marked in vedic Palmistry for Rahu is the intersection of head line and fate line. The area encompasses approximately age 25 to 53 on the money line fate line. Area on the headline encompasses approximately age 25 to 53.
Common sense says that this particular age is the most important time of your life because either you build your life or you destroy it. The time 28 to 53 on your head and your fate line is the major your portion of your life, where all major events takes place.
Lines affected by rahu mount and/or mount of plains of mars
I repeat once more both Pains of Mars and rahu mount are same. The major lines that touch or that cross this particular area are head line, money line, heart line and sun line. This area signify the temper. Temper are of two types controlled or un-controlled temper.
If our temper is controlled we can channelise our energy to better our prospect in life. If we have uncontrolled temper we may lose our temper in the wrong places and thus loss of opportunities that come our way.
Temper is a very important trait in our personality. If we can control our temper, we can win over problems and hardship.
How to calculate age on our lines in palmistry
The area covered by the plains of mars is timed on lifeline is approximately 25 to 53 approximately. On the headline, the time represented is between 25 to 55 approximately. No book mentions this time but the images do show it to be true.
Starting point of life is under the mount of Jupiter and age measured is age 1 to 12. This portion of life is for growth, expansion, fun, and entertainment. A young kid grows real fast, in body and mind. Next section is from Saturn, although Saturn time continues at least till age 44 approximately.
Temper is the main quality of plains of mars mount.
To understand plains of mars you need to understand temper first. Meaning of temper is a person’s emotional state, as measured by how furious or calm they are.
Temper is not aggression, aggression is depicted by mount of Mars negative and not plains of Mars. Although both mounts adjacent still the meaning is different.
People with un-controlled temper do have many crisscrossng lines badly marked lines.
Bad effects mount of plains of mars.
Angry state of mind leads to bad decision making. If there are many crisscrossing lines on the mount, the person is likely to have a bad temper. Bad temper is likely to affect the fire withing the person and stomach related problems can be expected.
A person’s state of mind is either angry or calm. A person who can control his/her temper can take balanced wellthought out decisions.
Bad tmeper is the state or tendency to get angry easily. Think about it, can a person be successful, who looses his/her temper on wrong unproductive issues.
Good effects of plains of mars.
The positive effects good plains of Mars is that the person will heat up slowly and cool down slowly. It means that the person is unlikely to get angry over wrong issues. Take an example of glass tempting, where the glass is annealed. The glass is gradually heated then cooled gradually. This process of hardened and cooling makes the glass stronger.
Same is in the case of humans, if a person flare up fast and cool down fast this behaviour is sure sign for failure. Small things should not flare up any person.
Just like steel is tempered so is our life and during this period in our life 35 to 55 major events takes place. If we cant control our temper the likelihood of failure arises.
The degree of hardness and elasticity in steel metal is similar to our life. The heating and cooling of the steels makes it more elastic and strong. Same goes with our life. Too many lines over plains of mars will create too much heat without the cooling and will kind of create a steel that is brittle and likely to break.
The right amount of heat and cooling with make the quality of steel to become and gain more strength that a steel that has not been tempered. Good plains of mars does not mean no problem. In fact it may mean abundant and unlimited problems but it means the person faces the problems and then just moves ahead in his life by winning over the challenges or problems.
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