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Mount of Venus is the warmest and hottest planet in our solar system. Therefore the person is warm if the mount of Venus is prominent and well padded. The person is also likely to be in many relationships and partnerships. A relationship does not necessarily mean only sexual relation. The average temperature on Venus is 471-degree Celsius.

Mount of Venus on the palm
The placement of the mount of Venus is on the base of the thumb. The life line encircles the Mount of Venus and Mars. Our life requires fire and fuel to run our machines/body. Venus is the energy and fuel within us while Mars is the fire that requires fuel to burn.

Fire in palmistry is Mars while the fuel in our body is Venus. Adjacent to the mount of Venus is the mount of the Moon at the base of the palm. Mount of Moon too is an important planet because, to survive and grow food we require water.

What is Mount of Venus?
Venus in palmistry represents style, love, beauty, art and music. A person is likely to be a lover due to the warmth within.

People with prominent/padded mounts of Venus never lose the opportunity to love. These people want to give love and receive love. Remove love from these people and everything is lost.
What does Mount of Venus signify?
Mount of Venus signifies beauty, grace, warmth, desires, energy, vitality, stamina, good health, and vices. If the mount is positive, padded without any confusing lines over it, the person has positive energies, vitality and stamina.
If for instance, the mount is negative meaning lack of padding, grill like formation, horizontal lines, the person may have negative energies or lack of energies. The person may waste his/her energies on work that will not be rewarding in anyway.
To sum up, every person has a different type/quality of the mount of Venus.
What is Venus in our solar system and how to corelate with palm reading?
The average temperature on planet Venus is – 880°F (471°C). Moreover, we try to relate this quality of Venus in palmistry as well. Palmistry/astrology describes Venus as a warm planet. Although Mercury is closer to Sun yet Venus has a higher temperature on its surface.
The temperature on Mercury is Mercury – 800°F (430°C) during the day, -290°F (-180°C) at night. Mars is a Red planet, known for anger aggression and fire, yet the temperature on Mars is – minus 20°F (-28°C). Its red colour is due to Iron Dioxide, and maybe not due to the heat and fire.

Venus Mount in palmistry signifies warmth in a good way provided it has good indications on your palm. A well-padded mount of Venus indicates that the person is likely to be warm and friendly. People who are warm and friendly tend to attract everyone towards them.
The outcome of being warm is the ability to attract people, relations and love towards themselves. Anyone with a prominent Mount of Venus will have lots of love, beauty and grace. Therefore, people with padded Mount of Venus have the ability to make multiple relationships and partnerships. In addition we can’t say with certainty if the partnerships will be fruitful.
A bad looking person can also have a prominent Mount of Venus, 100% they will have some magnetism.
Grille on Mount of Venus
If the mount of Venus has a lot of crisscrossing lines, it means that the person’s wastes his/her energy and misuse the energy. A person who wastes his/her energy is more likely to fail.

For example, a person leaves a car idle for a long period of time it signifies that the person is wasting his fuel. They all have a limited amount of fuel therefore it’s always better to use it where it is required.
Vertical lines on Mount of Venus
Perpendicular lines or vertical lines that point towards the fingers are considered to be good lines/positive lines.

Vertical lines on the mount of Venus without any cut lines or horizontal lines indicate support from loved ones. It could also mean the person is able to channelize their energy towards a specific goal. The person is unlikely to waste one’s energy therefore the probability of success increases.
Vertical lines on the mount of venus indicate strong support from family and friends. Fewer lines or no lines is a good indication. If the mount Venus is padded without any lines the person may not need support they themselves give support to other people in life.
Horizontal lines on Mount of Venus
Horizontal lines on Mount of Venus it is a negative sign. Fewer lines over the Mount of Venus is always better than more lines over it.

Horizontal lines pointing towards the thumb destroy our energy. A person is likely to waste his fuel where it is not required. The horizontal line creates blockages in our energy. For example, a person is likely to destroy life by drinking, overeating, masturbation or self-stimulation.
Big Mount of Venus palmistry
The lifeline encircles making it a bigger semi-circle, it’s called the big mount of Venus. Bigger the mount of Venus more the qualities associated with the planet. However, each planet has its own positive and negative qualities.

A larger surface area relates to more or excess qualities to that particular mount. The mount is also called big if it is well padded. There are two components to a particular big mount it is surface area and size therefore it means volume.
Consequently, excess of everything is bad, it leads to a person occupied by the affairs and interests and pleasures of the present world. Anything in excess is bad and it leads to a person love for food, clothes, sex, sensuality, wine and all the vices.
Only an expert palmist can tell if the mount of Venus is in excess, it may give both good and bad qualities depending upon how you look at one’s life.
Mount of Venus and laziness
A well-padded Mount of Venus and a very soft palm may indicate laziness. A common perception is that lazy people are not successful however it may be untrue.

A person may be physically lazy whereas active mentally and intelligent. A famous saying is “a lazy person finds a way to do difficult work in an easy way”.
Flat Mount of Venus without any padding
The flat mount of Venus leads to limited or lack of energies. A person with a flat Mount of Venus is likely to age early. A young person may have limited energies compared to an old person with a well-padded mount of Venus.

A young person with a flat and badly marked mount of Venus may not complain regarding getting tired. However, with age, the person may feel either lack of energy stamina or feel tired.
A person may lack warmth, desires, sensuality, sexuality with a flat mount of Venus in addition to a grill on the mount of Venus and feeble hands.
In spite of all the negatives, I may have pointed yet the person can be hugely successful.
Flat Mount of Venus with long heart line
A flat mount of Venus means lack of desires, energies and the warmth. A long heart line ending on the mount of Jupiter indicates the person to be sensitive, idealistic, touchy about things and they gets hurt easily.

Being sensitive is different from being warm. Although both these words sound similar they are totally different. The planet Venus indicates the warmth while a long heart line increases the sensitivity.
A long heart line reduces and diminishes the importance of outer appearances. The person values relationship and not money our outer love.
Meaning of prominent Mount of Venus with a grille ?
A padded/prominent Mount of Venus can give negative results.

If there are too many confusing lines/grille over the Mount of Venus it signifies the person is wasting his/her energy on the wrong issues. The grille on any area overworks the mount leading to malfunctioning of the mount therefore we must try to contain the energy loss. This we can do by targeting our energies to our objectives and goals in our life. To know more about over developed Mount of Venus visit.
What profession career associated with Mount of Venus ?
A designer, chef or artist generally do have a prominent mount of Venus. In my practical palm reading analysis, I have found that not every designer have a good mount of Venus. A designer with style and aesthetics will surely have a well-padded Mount of Venus. This does not mean the designer will be sure shot successful but the possibilities increase.
People with well-padded at Mount of Venus have excellent taste. A better understanding, love for the human body, may come from a well-padded Mount of Venus. Due to the love of the body, they have a better understanding of the curves and the fitting. But for designing you do need calculations and how to remove the flaw in the body with clothes. This part of the understanding of designing comes from the mount of Mercury the planet or skills and calculations.
This tailor for designers will try to give the best fitting and they would try to buy the best fabric for clothing. Purchase and understanding of good fabric come from good taste and good taste comes from the mount of venus. These designers will try to give the best cutting and stitching. As they themselves like to wear clothes with the best cut and stitching, so what they like for themselves they will try to provide for their clients as well.
Mount of Venus is of help in every profession. Venus is energy within us and without energy, it’s hard to be successful in most cases. You can be in any profession, a positive mount of Venus will help in every profession.
Rich individual might have bad/negative Mount of Venus
Mount of Venus is all about richness in taste. Despite a person being rich, a person may not have excellent taste. Furthermore to hide the lack of knowledge about good products rich people try to buy branded clothes watches and homes. A flat Mount of Venus and a grille means the absence or understanding of good taste.
Poor person may have excellent mount of Venus
A person with a prominent Venus will find ways to wear clothes that are better than a rich person. They will also enjoy wearing good clothes, eating at the best outlets serving good food and staying in the best locations.
The prominent Mount of Venus creates a burning desire for richness. Yes, we do require money to avail all the good things in life but many things can be used with limited resources. A poor person is able to eat better rich food than a rich person.
A rich person, with loads of money, may not be able to enjoy good rich food, as the desire are lacking. A rich person with bad venus may go out and eat in a famous expensive restaurant but a poor person with the good mount of Venus will have good rich food on a daily basis.
Mount of Venus and soft palm
Fashion and style also come to people who have a soft palms. Soft hand/palm bring about soft nature and personality. Soft hand means they have a knack for fine things in life. Whereas a hard and harsh hand for them the priority is not fashion and style.
People with hard and harsh hands are comfortable in harsh climates/situations/clothes. For them, good clothes/food/luxury is not a priority. Therefore it’s not just the planets and mounts that have importance in palm reading but even the feel and texture of one’s palm.
Meaning of crisscrossing lines on Mount of Venus ?
The crisscrossing lines over the mount of Venus indicate the mount is working overtime and in excess. Excess working of any mount makes that particular planet malfunction, therefore negative quality. It makes the mount and the qualities representing a particular mount overstretched.
Crisscrossing lines on the mount of Venus is a negative sign. Lines on the palm bring purpose and direction to a particular mount. Many lines on the mount bring many purposes. It’s said singular purpose and focus is better than multiple goals.
The planet that overworks leads to misuse and wastage of energy. Therefore the person who has a grill or crisscrossing lines means waste of energy, stamina, vitality. The particular person may eat in excess, excess drinks, excess food, immoral behavior, excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol, or drugs.
Mount of Venus sex and sexuality ?
One of the most important aspects of Mount of Venus is our sexuality. It will be myopic to think that the Mount of Venus is sex, sexuality and sensuality.
There are many other aspects related to sexuality and the Planet Venus
- Venus is seen from perspective of enjoyment and sex.
- The act of breeding, propagating, reproducing, fathering our species is also the act of Venus mount.
- Mount of Venus if extra developed may indicate addiction to sex or excessive masturbation. To a large extent it’s okay but if in excess then it’s a waste of energy.
- The Venus mount may also indicate problems related to one’s sexuality.
- A extra developed mount may create blockage in sexual satisfaction.
It is far from true that Venus just means sex.
Mount of Venus swollen/excess padded
Excess of everything is bad excess padding over the mount of venus can be negative too. Although this mount represents energy vitality stamina, it also depicts sensuality sexuality. There is nothing wrong with being more sexual but firstly to find a matching person with the high same sexual desires is difficult.
Mount of Venus and marriage
A extra prominent Venus may delay one’s marriage. The delay in marriage is due to various options available. The person may have a magnetic, loving, warm personality.
Magnetism does not mean just a beautiful face. Undoubtedly the person attracts other people with warmth. Warmth does not mean the person is sensitive. These people love outer appearances. The meaning of outer appearances is outer skin that is outer beauty and material things.

To satisfy excessive sexual urge, they may have multiple partner’s. Not a sure shot sign of multiple partners. When people with the excess padded Venus desire something it is for real and they will leave no stone unturned to get it.
The negative aspect is that they may have a divorce, in spite of a prominent, excess padded, swollen mount of Venus. Although their sexual stamina may be huge yet it may bring problems associated with physical incompatibility.
The good/positive quality of the mount of Venus makes one a lover, but the negative quality is lovers often meet a tragic end.
This is the reason why whenever you look at a planet look at it in a positive as well as negative way. The best sign on your palm may give negative results while negative results may give positive results as well.
Brown Mole on Mount of Venus
The degree of darkness or a light Brown mole increases or decreases the quality and meaning of the mole. Mole on any particular area increases quality of the mount.

The brown mole on the Mount of Venus indicates a person is graceful, loves beauty and has beauty sense, may have a special type of sexual relations, maybe good at designing, good at singing, multiple relationships, high or low on energy levels, may have something to say regarding reproductive system etc.
Please do not be alarmed by what I have written. It’s just for explanation purposes. Having multiple partners does not mean the person has a loose character. If times are good it gives good results if bad then bad results. it all depends upon the time. These things may not apply due to analysing your palm from just one aspect, not the whole palm reading.
Black Mole on Mount of Venus
The meaning of black mole is no different from the brown mole. Please read whatever is written above regarding the brown mole. The only difference is that the significance and outcome of a black mole increase in comparison to a brown mole.

The size of the mole matters a lot. Smaller size mole has less significance in comparison to the big mole.
Lines from Mount of Venus cutting the lifeline
The lines that cut the lifeline from the Mount of Venus is a negative sign. The strength and clarity of the lines impact more than weaker dim lines. The negative impact of strong deep clear lines is greater than weak dim lines on the mount of Venus.
- deep clear cutting the life line have maximum negative impact.
- dim and weaker lines cutting life line have limited negative impact
- faint lines barely visible have almost no negative impact.
The deep clear lines that touch and damage and cut the life line may indicate accidents, disease or health-related issues. Minor cut lines can be ignored, as the impact on our life is going to be limited not grave.
Circle on Mount of Venus
It is rare to find a circle on the Mount of Venus. People assume if they have a very rare sign on the palm it is an indication of success. I do not consider it as a sign for success.
It is highly unlikely that you will find a circle anywhere on your palm. People while trying to interpret their own palm are searching for something not normal. Its a common practice done by most people. Where they may not be a circle in reality a person looking at ones palm concludes they have circle due to certain formation of lines on the palm.
Fish on Mount of Venus
No good palmistry book talks about a fish as a good sign on the Mount of Venus. Even Cheiro did not mention a fish sign on one’s palm in his palmistry books. These days people are making thousands of videos mentioning that fish is the best sign that you can possibly have on your palm. I completely disagree with this particular analysis the reason is as follows.
If fish was such an important sign it should appear in hands of famous personalities. As revealed by, the palm reading of famous people who do not have a fish on one’s palm we can conclude that it is no sign at all and of lesser significance.
The shape of the fish sign on mount of venus is similar to an island and islands are considered to be negative signs. It is much better not to have a fish sign on the palm.
Few people are going to disagree with what I’ve said, regarding the fish sign. I just ask them to contemplate what good has happened to people who have a fish sign on their palm. If no major good has happened, we can conclude with certainty, that fish is not a sign to be taken seriously.
Lines from Mount of Venus to upper Mars
Vertical lines moving from Mount of Venus towards Mount of upper Mars is a good indication it indicates the combination of energy stamina with the qualities of open Mars.
Mount of above Mars relates to coolness, calmness, tensity, self-control and endurance and moral courage. It basically means that during pain or adverse situation the person has the courage to face difficulties. Mount of Mars also means valour fearlessness know perseverance resolve determination, guts.
Lines from Mount of Venus to mercury
Lines from Mount of Venus pointing towards the mount of Mercury is considered to be a good sign. It relates to a person using his skills to better his life.
This kind of line is often seen in people who have a good set of skills. A person can be educated or un-educated but skills is what matters.
Lines from mount of venus joining fate lined
If a line from mount of venus joins the fate line it is considered to be a good sign. It indicates that the person will gain from loved ones. Loved ones will help the person in one’s career.
Lines from Venus to Saturn
If a line from mount of venus moves towards the Saturn mount its considered to be a good sign. It foretells that the person will gain from his loved ones. Family and loved ones will shape one’s career.
Grille on mount of Venus palmistry
If a grille is present on mount of venus it represents that the person is likely to waste energy. Wasting of energy can be in various form. It may mean doing things that are no use, as it will not give any benefits. It can be excess food, drinks leading to bad health. Not leading a healthy lifestyle.
The person my also indulge in masturbation in excess.
Grid on mount of venus
The meaning of a grid on the mount of Venus is the same as a grille.
Net on mount of venus
The meaning of a net on the mount of Venus is the same as grille, grid, cross or many crisscrossing lines.
High Mount of Venus
If the Mount of Venus appears to be substantially high it is an indicator of the mount of Venus is prominent. It means that the mount is well padded, fleshy, and firm. Sometimes a high mount of venus indicates problems. It is something like everything in excess can still bring problems. It’s better to have this mount to be high as it indicates high energy levels.
If the mount of Venus is high and palm soft it may indicate laziness, sensuality and sexuality as well. The person sensory organs are well developed. These sensory organs want to be satisfied too.
If these vertical lines are cut horizontally it means blockages/problems we are likely to experience in our life.
Mole on Mount of Venus
The Mole increases the qualities of Venus mount in both directions. The qualities of Venus can go both ways in a positive or a negative way.
Just, for example, if the mole is present on a palm the person may be a very good actor. In addition, the person is graceful, warm, beauty conscious, sexual and sensual.
The mole may increase or decrease the qualities represented by the mole. For example, the person may be obsessed with sex or have a different sexual orientation.
Sexuality is determined by the mount of Venus. The question mark in terms of sexuality may have various meanings like not normal sexual preferences or bad relationship with partner/wife but unlimited possibilities with other partners.
The meaning of a Mole on the right or left hand gives similar results.
Itchy Venus
Nothing is said about the itchy mount of venus in palmistry books.
Meaning of trident on Venus
Trident in general is a good indication in palmistry. It relates to good qualities associated with the mount where it’s located. A trident on mount of venus relates to good relations and a liking and understanding of good taste and it may indicate love for art music.
A person may gain due to their lovers, relation or family. It could also mean a understanding of music or musical instruments.
A trident in general an excellent indication only if formed clearly without too many crisis crossing lines. Triangle formed by many crisis crossing lines is of no use.
Lines from Venus cutting head line
The horizontal line from the mount of venus cutting the head line is negative lines. The line may have variations like deep, clean, wavy, weak or strong lines. The lines that cut the head line at the start are usually trouble from relations in the early portion of life.
The problem may arise due to some loved one and the outcome is a mental problem or issues related to the head, the mind, the thought process.
So if Venus is the hottest, what about Mercury nearest to the sun?
good question but this data is from nasa. about venus. Venus is the exception, as its proximity to the Sun and dense atmosphere make it our solar system’s hottest planet. The average temperatures of planets in our solar system are: Mercury – 800°F (430°C) during the day, -290°F (-180°C) at night. Venus – 880°F (471°C)
Although mercury is near still venus is hottest.
If Heart line is fock lower part touches head line and goes to life line into two
A branch from the heart line leaning download towards a headline has got multiple meanings. It could mean getting distracted losing focus. It could mean a misplaced affections being affection to somebody who is not worthy of your affection. It could mean some relationship that you are not happy with.
heart line hanging forks or branches towards the head line is a negative sign it indicates distractions, loss of focus, not being able to dedicate yourself either to a relationship or partnership or the work/ profession.
But don’t worry there may be many other good signs that may negate this aspect.
I had a line suddenly appear that goes from my fate line, crossing a fork on my lifeline to the mount of Venus. Does this mean loved ones will help me financially as you mentioned above? Or something else?
I really could not understand what you were trying to convey. If a branch from the fate line. Kind of enters. The amount of Mars or the venus mount Both of them is going to be considered to be a negative sign. Any line flowing outwards. From the main line is a negative sign.
The folk you’re mentioning, it can be an encircled folk and circling the mean whole life line that is considered to be a good sign. A fork that is kind of moving towards the amount of moon. Is considered to be a negative sign on the lifeline. So I don’t know what you are trying to convey. Just by looking at one line, we can’t arrive at the conclusion.
what could happen if Vertical lines on Mount of Venus has an lsland?
it may be realted to energy, stamina realted issues or some close realtions or loved that bring sadness in someway or the other. our relations with the lived ones may be strained
Excuse me. What does it means to have a mole. Light mole on the mount of Venus. I have heard that it results in immorality which is stressing me out. Help me
The mole on any particular area makes that particular areas, more significant in a positive as well as negative way. Sometimes the results are excellent, sometimes bad. First, we need to. Know the meaning of Venus. Venus is a warm planet and a dense planet. It indicates energy, stamina, vitality, beauty, grace. So probably these qualities gets enhanced or get reduced. Don’t get stressed. Becausr, you need to look at the whole palm to arrive at the conclusion. partial palm reading is of no use.
What is the meaning of a red coloured mole on mount of venus? It has suddenly appeared. I earlier used to have a black mole which has erased with time.
Also, if i have a few vertical lines going towards fingers and few horizontal as well, but as horizontal is mostly not there towards the wrist side, i do have a few clear vertical lines as well. Does that mean even though i might not be focused, i would have support from loved ones? Does it mean i will have that support towards the later part of my life, as those clear lines are corresponding to later part of life line.
An article on mole sign in palmistry written by me
Venus is the planet for love, beauty, grace, sensuality, sexuality, warmth, affection, life’s force.
A mole just makes the area significant in a good or bad way.
We can’t make any one single conclusion.
A sign or a mole can represent health or any other aspect of your life.
Normally a mole. Is there for throughout life.
It may also represent the different relationships. Or a strange relationship? That a person is in.
It is almost impossible to arrive at the conclusion.
The other questions you have asked. I can only answer only when I take a look at your hand. Palmistry is a physical science, so it is always better to see the hand to arrive at the conclusion. Thanks for asking by and take care.
I do have grill. There are a bunch of horizontal lines, not vague. But they are cut by a few but much more prominent vertical lines. Especially at the bottom where hand curves, some two or three vertical lines are as prominent as big-3 in hand. Also, the density of vertical lines increases and that of horizontal lines decreases as I go from top to bottom. May I have your 2 cents of this.
I like the way you comprehended things.