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The Mystic Cross, also known as the Great Cross or the Mystical Cross, is a symbol that often signifies an individual’s keen interest, aptitude, and fascination with occult sciences.

However, there is considerable confusion surrounding its appearance and true significance. This uncommon and fortunate marking in palmistry is believed to indicate a person’s spiritual and psychic abilities. Located in the center of the hand, beneath the Mount of Saturn and between the head and heartline, the Mystic Cross manifests as a distinct cross-like pattern.
Individuals with a Mystic Cross are considered to possess a strong intuition and a profound connection to the spiritual realm. They naturally excel in spiritual and psychic practices and may find themselves drawn to activities like energy healing, yoga, or meditation. Furthermore, they have a natural ability to discern people’s emotions and perceive their intentions.
The presence of the Mystic Cross suggests that the person is destined for greatness and success in their chosen profession, in addition to their spiritual capabilities. They often exhibit charismatic qualities and possess powerful leadership skills by nature.
Mystic cross is often misunderstood in palm reading
Contrary to some beliefs propagated by various palmists, the Mystic Cross does not possess inherent psychic powers, provide a direct connection to God, or bestow the status of a deity or messenger of God. It is important to note that the Mystic Cross, although associated with spirituality, does not transform an individual into a divine being or convey special divine messages from the universe.

Mystic cross and spirituality?
The Mystic cross does not represent spirituality. The area and the planet for spirituality is the mount of Jupiter. This sign is placed on the Plains of Mars/Rahu Mount, just below the Mount of Saturn the source of money. The word mystic sounds like a sign of God or spirituality but it’s not.

The Plains of Mars/Rahu Mount represent temper within us. It can be controlled or uncontrolled temper. The inclination or the desire for spirituality increases with a well-padded mount of Jupiter or upward lines originating on the Mount of Jupiter joining the head or lifeline.
Mystic cross does it indicate special powers?
Mystical power is not represented by the Mystic cross. Do not mistake by thinking you will be a Superman or Spiderman or saviour of mankind due to this sign on your palm.

Top religious leaders do not have a mystic cross on their palms. Even magicians do not have a mystic cross.
Mystic cross does it indicate luck money wealth?

The presence of a Mystic Cross or any other type of cross is not necessarily the best indicator for luck, money, or wealth in palmistry. Instead, palmists may look to other signs, lines, or the overall shape of the hand to assess a person’s potential for financial success.
In other words, wealth or fortune is not determined solely by the presence of a Mystic Cross, but rather by a combination of factors that are unique to each individual’s hand.
Mystic cross benefits if any?
The Mystic Cross does not offer financial benefits; rather, its value lies in its potential to aid in predicting the future or its association with an interest in occult sciences. In other words, the Mystic Cross may be significant for its capacity to facilitate accurate predictions or for its appeal to individuals with an interest in occult knowledge.

Having the ability to predict the future does not necessarily lead to wealth or fame for a palmist. In fact, some palmists who lack a Mystic Cross or any other significant markings on their own hands may possess extensive knowledge of palmistry and astrology, while others who have such markings may not be particularly skilled in these areas.
Mystic cross and religion?
Many people associate the mystic cross associated with Christianity and Christ. The holy cross in Christianity indicates love, forgiveness, sacrifice, surrender to God and living in Spirit according to Christians.

The mystic cross is nowhere near the meaning of the holy cross of Christianity. It does not mean holiness. The Christianity cross to Christians is a holy sign but in palmistry, it holds no significance related to being a god or godly.
Letter X and Mystic cross are they the same sign?

Mystic cross and Letter X are two different signs, therefore explained seperately. Therefore, both symbols should be explained separately. As marked in the image the yellow and black line intersection is a letter X people refer to. The green cross as seen in the image above is the Mystic cross.
Letter X sign?
Letter X is formed in two different ways on one’s palm. Letter X should not be called the cross. Instead, it is the crossing of lines between the head and the heart under Saturn Mount.
X is formed by a branch from the heart line leaning towards the headline, cutting the fate line. This formation is considered to be negative as the branch of the heart line leaning downward means disappointment from a relationship or partnership.

Secondly, X is formed in another way that is an upward branch of the headline pointing towards the heart line, cutting the fate line. This formation is a positive sign as a branch from the Head line moving upward is like upliftment of the mind. The mind is only uplifted or elevated when we are happy and things are happening according to our wishes.

There are two different types of sign X that are formed, do not confuse this with the mystic cross.
Psychic Cross meaning / Mystic cross and psychic power
The Mystic Cross, also referred to as the Psychic Cross, is associated with psychic power, but it is not a necessary component of palmistry or astrology. Not all palmists or astrologers possess psychic abilities, nor do they need to in order to practice their craft effectively.
Interpreting palm lines accurately requires knowledge of palmistry, which can be learned through study and practice. However, there may be some individuals who possess psychic abilities but lack knowledge of palmistry or astrology and still claim to interpret palm lines.

A psychic may physically hold your hands while giving palm readings, but their predictions are typically based on their psychic abilities rather than solely on the lines in your palms. However, it is possible to make accurate predictions through the practice of palmistry or astrology without relying on psychic abilities alone.
Palmistry is based on systematic knowledge and analysis rather than supernatural or divine powers. That being said, individuals who possess both knowledge of palmistry and psychic abilities may have a unique advantage in making accurate predictions.
While some people may view palmistry as a gift from a higher power or a spiritual ability, it is ultimately a skill that can be developed through study and practice. Finding a truly skilled palmist or psychic can be a rare occurrence and often requires a bit of luck.
Does everyone have a mystic cross on their hand?
Almost everyone has a cross placed in-between the head and heart line. But in most cases, it is not a Mystic cross.

The cross that most people mistake for a Mystic cross is not a Mystic cross at all, but rather another cross. It is primarily a branch from the heart line that droops towards the headline and crosses the fate line underneath the Saturn mount. The exact location of this cross is in the Plains of Mars/Rahu Mount.
Mystic cross on the dominant hand
It hardly matters if the Mystic cross is on the dominant/passive hand or right or left hand. If found on, the active/dominant/passive hand, interest in occult science increases.
Mystic cross and intuition
The Mystic cross increases the possibility for accurate prediction. However, every astrologer or a palmist need not have a Mystic cross.

Mystic cross and being spiritual
Being spiritual is the most misunderstood word. It is often used in a different context without knowing the actual meaning.

People think praying, reading religious texts, or doing good deeds makes one spiritual. None of these applies to Mystic cross.
Mystic is far away from spiritual. People do feel that because they are pure souls they are spiritual.
Mystic cross does it represent witches?
Many websites especially outside India and western countries associate the Mystic cross to represent a person as a witch.

Western society has not understood the system of occult science; it is beyond their knowledge that stars and planets have an impact on human lives as well. Westerners classify astrology, palmistry, numerology, and other occult practices as witchcraft.
Mystic cross are more connected with heaven?
Every person is Godly therefore no rare sign is required to be God. We all suffer from the preconceived notions that we have some amazing supernatural power. To have some supernatural power a person assumes that their had needs to be different from others.

A person possessing Mystic is told to believe that they are more connected to heaven and the universe. Further this is the reason why they are more capable to predict the future.
The mystic cross gives an ability to predict the future but this is not the only sign. A good prominent padded mount of Mercury gives ability in skills communication and calculations. Therefore good palmists do have a good mount of mercury as well.
For sure people with a Mystic cross, is not connected with the universe directly.
Mystic cross are they intuitive?
The mystic cross may indicate intuition. Moreover, it may be due to interest and understanding of the occult sciences. Mystic Cross does represent an intuitive nature.

Healer Mark on Palm
It’s incorrect to associate Mystic cross to be the line of a healer. Besides lines of healers are found on and under the Mount of Mercury. Understanding of medicine is associated with Mercury planet as well.

As the Mystic cross is placed under the Saturn mount between the head and heart line therefore it may be associated with old people and maybe care for old people. Saturn is the planet for patience and with old people, we need to be patient. Old people just want to be heart as nobody hears them.
Mistakes while analysing mystic cross
People often make mistakes while trying to locate a mystic cross. The mystic cross should be a small, clearly marked independent cross.

Many times, people confuse this sign with an upward branch crossing the headline or a downward branch of the heart line, cutting the fate line. In between the head and the heart line.
What do people think a mystic cross represents?
People think that they have special power due to the presence of the mystic cross.
- Spirituality is represented on the mount of Jupiter and not by the mystic cross.
- Talent is represented by the Mount of mercury and not the mystic cross.
- Fame and rich can be seen on Mount of the Sun and Saturn.
- Therefore mystic cross doesn’t mean fame riches, talent or spirituality.
What Mystic cross actually represents
- The mystic cross just gives people insight/ intuition.
- The meaning of intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning, although this explanation does not apply to the mystic cross.
Difference between Astrology Palmistry and Psychic readings
Astrology, Palmistry, and Numerology is based upon a system to predict. A lot of reasoning and analysis goes into reading a hand or analyzing a birth chart. Astrology requires a lot of mathematics permutations and combinations.

A person analysing the hand or birth chart may have a mystic cross and have some degree of psychic powers but mainly it’s is more of mathematical calculations that go in a palm reading.
Whereas psychic abilities require no subject to be learnt, plain simple psychic power.
Christianity and Mystic Cross
In Christianity, the phrase “mystic cross” may be used to describe the notion that the cross serves as a spiritual image that symbolises the fusion of the divine and human natures in Christ as well as the reconciliation of heaven and earth. The concept of the “mystical body of Christ,” which consists of all Christians who are united to Christ through faith, is sometimes connected to it.
Western nations with a presence of Christianity are where the mystic cross idea originated in its entirety. Palmistry suffers when we begin to connect religious symbols with it. The majority of those who show their palms desire fame and wealth, so they seek out uncommon signs on their palm. The client might be told they have a rare symbol by the palmist if they are unfamiliar with the topic of palmistry. In actuality, not every rare sign portends wealth, notoriety, or renown.
Wow. Somebody is jealous. This repetitive nonsense is purely venomous and I sincerely hope that nobody takes your jealousy driven judgement to heart. What do I know? I’m just a “plain person”who happens to be a mystical cross bearer. I’m sorry you’re not. We are all uniquely gifted children of the universe. How’s that for intuition?
Sorry I don’t understand what you trying to convey.
Every person is unique but just by plain simple having a mystic cross can you be unique.
I have also mentioned a person has a perfect mystic small cross then the person has the ability to predict the future.
Intuition is different from being ability to see into the future.
Both words do sound very similar but they are different.
I have mystic crosses in both hands and I hear from God clearly. Have been able to hear him since I was 5. I have been called a witch several times throughout my life for no reason. I am now understanding what has been going on. I feel you have to be careful when explaining mystic crosses, especially to others who have lived with this their whole lives. This is a tremendous gift and blessing to which I am honored to be given by the universe and God.
A Mystic Cross is a rare phenomenon, and it’s common for people to mistake other intersecting lines for one. It’s important to note that a true Mystic Cross involves a specific combination of lines, typically the money line intersecting with a line from either the head or heart line. Mere intersections of lines should not be automatically assumed to be a Mystic Cross.
By the way what else it to do with jealousy.
The indication of jealousy is seen when the heart line is reaching the Mount of Jupiter it is a long heart line.
A person without a mystic cross is also unique and special.
Doesn’t take a psychic ability to know you hit the nail on the head with a hammer. Jealousy was such an obvious motive.
I am also having a perfect Mystic Cross and I can tell you that I do have dreams which tells me about future events esp. some milestones and atleast now a days I am able to read any person and can predict his next move etc…as far as wealth is concerned, I don’t have enough but will accumulate in the future… This is also true I am inclined towards any occult knowledge such as Medicine, Palmistry, Astrology, Share Market etc.
So, when you mention having a perfect Mystic Cross, are you referring to an independent cross rather than a cross formed by the heart line leaning down and intersecting the fate line? The Mystic Cross itself doesn’t necessarily pertain to the share market, despite your inclinations towards occult knowledge like Medicine, Palmistry, Astrology, and the Share Market. It’s interesting that you experience predictive dreams about future events and have a knack for reading people and foreseeing their next moves. Wealth and mystic cross are not related to each other.
I have mystic crosses in both hands and I hear from God clearly. Have been able to hear him since I was 5. I have been called a witch several times throughout my life for no reason. I am now understanding what has been going on. I feel you have to be careful when explaining mystic crosses, especially to others who have lived with this their whole lives. This is a tremendous gift and blessing to which I am honored to be given by the universe and God.