Table of Contents
The planet Mercury stands for reasoning and communication. The shortest finger, the fourth, is where the Mount of Mercury is found.
The smallest planet in our solar system, Mercury, is also one of the most significant for one’s professional success.

Mercury’s characteristics in the solar system
Mercury, the sun’s smallest and fastest-moving planet, makes one rotation in only 88 days. To truly comprehend Mercury’s impact on people, we must comprehend our solar system. The planet that moves the fastest is connected with a quick and darting mind.
We are currently living in the Aquarius age, which will last for 2160 years. The planet that represents Aquarius is Mercury. The era of computers, smartphones, mobile devices, and communication technologies is now. The ability to calculate and communicate has greatly improved recently.
Mount of Mercury in Palmistry
The strength of the Mercury is directly associated with the lines, sign, padding and surface area available. The lines and the shape of the mount are different in each person’s hands.
Mercury is one of the best planets for earning money. However Mercury doesn’t represent money, it represents calculation and communication. The main question asked in palmistry revolves around money, success, name and fame.
Good markings on mercury represent good calculations leading to success and bad sign symbols on mercury represent bad calculations leading to losses and failure.
Astronomy and Mercury planet
Mercury has the largest temperature variation in our solar system, making it difficult for life to exist there. According to astrology, Mercury is neither a man nor a woman. Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are a few examples of male planets.
Mercury has been said to be a neutral planet. It is impossible for life to exist on Mercury planet because of its proximity to the Sun and the heat it receives. Mercury is neither a man nor a woman, unlike the other planets.
One Mercury line
One single, perpendicular, deep, clear Mercury line is an extremely rare line. I personally categorise such lines to be better than any possible sign-on palm.

One perpendicular line on mercury means one set of skills. The best symbol on one’s palm is a single straight line of Mercury. It is hard for people to visualise how can a simple perpendicular line be a good sign.
Two Mercury line
Two Mercury line means a twin-set of skills. Dual Mercury line may signify two sources or income or 2 career. It may also mean one career but two sets of skills.
Double Mercury line
Double lines of Mercury does not mean double success. A person may have double Mercury lines but a single career.

Double Mercury line if wavy weak and dim may indicate a person who has not specialised in one subject. Jack of all trades and master of none.
Quality of Mercury line
Everything depends upon the quality of lines and not the number of lines.

- If two Mercury lines are deep and clear, it indicates, the person has mastered two different sets of skills.
- A dim weak wavy Mercury line indicates a person who has not mastered the skill, therefore a failure.
- More than one mercury line does not mean a multiplication factor in proportion.
Multiple Mercury Lines
Multiple strong deep clear lines in excellent condition for the following reason.
- multiple mercury lines if crystal clear indicate sharpened multiple skills.
- vast knowledge and specialisation in multiple spheres of life.

Multiple weak mercury lines are not good for the following reason.
- The person may not be able to focus on one career leading to failure.
- Lack of specialisation due to more than 2 mercury lines therefore mediocre success.
Mercury Line from Fate Line
The best indication of success and riches is when the mercury line originates from the fate line. A v sign is formed pointing towards the fingers. People should not associate a V with a victory sign. This V sign can be explained with proper reasoning.

It is said that energy/light penetrates the fingers and enters the palm. Entering the palm is associated with entering life. The energy moves downward in the palm and gets accumulated in the V.
The type of energy that accumulates depends upon the finger. The V points towards the three fingers Saturn, Sun and Mercury. So the energy and the qualities represented by the Mount get accumulated in your life.
It should be kept in mind that
What does a good mount of Mercury represent

Planet Mercury represents shrewdness, calculations, communication, business, statistics, economics, science, mathematics, medical and engineering skills. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Although small yet it commands respect due to its knowledge base. Mercury also represents quickness of mind, cleverness, and drafting skills. If the planet Mercury is well padded with perpendicular lines on it, it represents that the person has sharpened skills. Weak perpendicular lines mean that the person has not sharpened his skills.
The Mount of Mercury is associated with calculation, communication, skills, and knowledge. So anyone with a well-padded mount of Mercury with good lines over it indicates the probability of success. These very qualities if present in anyone increase the chance for success. A person can be in any country, city, or village the importance of that person will increase if the person has skills.
Bad sign on mount of mercury

A Badly marked mount of Mercury indicates failures. Bad markings on a Mercury mount represent bad communication skills and bad calculation leading to losses or failure.
Grill criss-crossing lines on mercury
Criss-crossing confusing lines on the Mount of Mercury will mean miscommunication and miscalculation. When there is a grill or too many lines over the mercury it represents that our mind is overloaded or overworking, so we need to rest our minds.

For example, if the blackboard or hard drive is fully covered with written matter, it means there is no space left to write something else on the blackboard or a hard drive. If there is space on the blackboard or hard drive something can be written on it. In the same analogy, if we rest our minds new ideas get space to enter.
The Absence of Lines on the Mercury Mount: What it Means in Palmistry
No lines on mercury mount mean an ability to cool one’s mind. Mind is our processor, it’s better for the processor to remain cool or else it can malfunction.
No lines on the Mount of Mercury can be associated with a real-life case scenario by correlating it to a child who is born with an empty mind. This is the reason we can program a child’s mind. The learning graph of every child is very fast in comparison to older people.
We all stop learning because our mind is filled up and no space left for new ideas to enter. It means our hard disk is full without any space left to write any further. Our mind is cluttered with too many ideas/things. A child is born with a clean slate, blackboard, or hard drive, this is the reason why the learning graph is fast than an older person in most cases. To help learn faster we need to declutter and delete items that we do not require.
Indigestion due to bad liver line or mercury line.

The Significance of a Mole on the Mercury Mount in Palmistry
Particularly when they are discovered on the various mounts of the hand, moles are thought to have an effect on a person’s life in palmistry. In specifically, the Mercury mount is connected to verbal, written, engineering, and medical aptitudes as well as calculation, statistics, and linguistic and writing capabilities.
A mole may improve or negatively impact the features of the Mercury mount, depending on where it is found. As a result, one’s life will be significantly influenced by the traits that the planet symbolises.
It’s crucial to remember that every individual will experience the mole’s effects on the Mercury mount differently. For instance, a mole that brings enormous benefits in a person’s early years may provide bad traits in a person’s later years, however, this is not a strict rule.
Every feature of a person’s palm is distinctive, and the presence of a mole on the Mercury mount is just one of the many things that can have an impact on someone’s life. As a result, while a mole on the Mercury Mount could suggest particular skills or traits, it’s not the only thing that affects a person’s success or ability in life.
Business line in palmistry
Often the Mercury line is considered to be the business line in palmistry. Mercury line is considered to be a business line because Mercury represents all the qualities that help a person perform well in business.
There is a possibility that a person by luck or chance manages to get a huge amount of money without a good mercury mount. Without a good Mercury mount, the person may miscalculate and therefore lose all the money earned.
Mercury line touching fate line
A Fate and Mercury line joint or touching forms a V sign, is an excellent sign provided few conditions are met. Please refrain from forming an opinion based on this v sign being viewed as an English letter.
- both fate and mercury lines are deep and clear without any break.
- just the touch of both lines does not mean success until the quality of the line is good.
Mercury line touching marriage line
Mercury line touching the marriage line is not a bad sign but if the line crosses/cuts the marriage line it may mean miscommunication. A marriage line cut by a mercury line may mean bad health for the partner.
There is often confusion between the mercury line/ health line/liver line. I have elaborated in a different blog post that all three lines are nothing but mercury lines are one and the same thing.
Decoding the Secrets in Lawyers’ Hands: The Mysterious Mercury Line
It is often said that lawyers have an excellent Mercury line, which gives them the power to communicate effectively and draft winning petitions.
In fact, a skilled communicator is a competent lawyer. They must be able to persuade juries and judges to agree with their positions and be able to clearly and simply explain difficult legal topics to their clients and courts. The Mercury line, which is regarded to be a sign of a person’s capacity for persuasion and communication, is said to be involved in this.
But a competent lawyer needs to have more than just solid communication skills. To win cases, they must also be able to downplay weaknesses and highlight positives. This is when having a compelling argument to make becomes important. A skilled lawyer must be able to present their arguments in a way that is compelling and convincing, even if the evidence is not entirely in their favour.
Some contend that the capacity to downplay weaknesses and accentuate strengths is simply another way of saying that a successful lawyer is a good liar. After all, isn’t a lawyer’s job to persuade people of their client’s innocence despite the existence of contradictory evidence?
It doesn’t matter if you think a competent lawyer is also a brilliant liar; communication and persuasion are crucial abilities for anyone practising law. Additionally, the Mercury line might be a minor but important predictor of these abilities. Take a look at a lawyer’s palms the next time you meet them since you never know what you might discover.
Power of the Mercury Line: A Chartered Accountant’s Secret to Success
The financial industry frequently refers to chartered accountants as its foundation. They are in the position of overseeing the finances of organisations and people, making sure that everything is accurate and in order. As mental agility, rapid thinking, and adaptability are connected to the Mercury line in palmistry, these qualities are crucial for chartered accountants.
Strong Mercury lines are thought to help chartered accountants remember a lot of information accurately and perform complex calculations with ease. The Mercury line reveals a person’s capacity for analytical reasoning and problem-solving, two abilities that are essential for chartered accountants.
It’s crucial to keep in mind, though, that a professional chartered accountant is more than just a calculator and number cruncher. Regrettably, there have been instances of fraudulent behaviour by chartered accountants. A skilled chartered accountant can juggle numbers and commit theft.
Doctor’s Mercury line
Doctors do have a good mercury line as they can understand the complicated subject that is the human body with ease. Technological advancements are represented by mercury mount.
Politician Mercury line
Politician talks in measured words and they are very good statisticians of what the public wants. It is said that “words are mightier than the sword”. This is the reason why mercury although the smallest planet yet commands great respect due to its knowledge.
In Hindi we call this planet Budh, Budh means Buddhi meaning knowledge. Politicians do not have unlimited resources. The public demand is unreasonable. So with whatever resources are available to a politician, they try to pacify with extraordinary communication skills depicted by Mercury. This does not mean Mercury is the only planet that gives good results in politics.
Money line or mercury line.
I have explained all about the bad mercury line still people are obsessed with the money line.
The client asks:- how is my money line?
Palmist answer:- What will the money line do if you don’t have good health? Good health digestion can be seen on the mercury line/health line as well.
Mercury Lines/Liver line/Health line
The confusion about mercury lines and liver lines and health lines is not elaborated in most books on palmistry. After many years of practising palmistry, I have come to the conclusion that all three lines (mercury lines and liver lines, and health lines) are the same thing.
Let me describe all these as follows.
Mercury Lines are deep and clear
Mercury lines if clearly marked indicates sharpened skills. It means a person who is sharpening his skills on a daily basis, hourly basis or even second. A person with this outlook and efforts is likely to be successful guaranteed.
Mercury Lines deep and clear
The person is not trying to master too many things and just concentrating on one field of work. This person will be skilling himself as he/she is not getting muddled up. These people will have time for themselves too so that they can rest their minds too.
Weak dim unclear Mercury Lines
Too many weak lines on the mount of mercury represent a person who has not mastered his skills.
When Mercury Lines unclear
When many crisscrossing unclear mercury lines are moving towards the 4th finger the mercury finger. These lines will mean when many that the person is trying to master too many things in his life. It’s not humanly possible to master everything. Even Albert Einstein was a master in one. So it’s always better to master one field of work instead of many. All these lines are indicating skills but none of them is sharpened that we become the best in our field.
When the mind is being overworked, more bile is secreted therefore liver does not function properly. This may lead to indigestion. We need to be careful with our digestion and liver. If our digestion is not proper this may lead to health issues. In Ayurveda, it is said that all health issues arise due to an upset stomach.
So people who wish to be successful the top priority is to have good digestion. If digestion is poor the person will have no energy leading to a lack of desire leading to a person not working for goals in life.
Absent of Mercury Lines
Regarding the absence of mercury lines, not much is said in books on palmistry. Over several years after giving palmistry sessions I have concluded that it may indeed be an excellent sign. People unfamiliar with palmistry assume that the absence of a line means the absence of that particular quality the mount represents. Such reasoning may be wrong. A person needs to exhibit more good signs on the palm to conclude that it may mean excellent possibilities. The reason why no mercury line is good is that in my experience I have seen that less line over the mount means that the functioning of the mount is perfect. The functioning of the mercury mount means that a person can communicate and calculate correctly, without miscommunication and miscalculations.
Please understand while stating describing one aspect of palm reading in my article here we tend to miss out on many other aspects of palm reading. So only when we take a look at the hand/palm personally only then we as palmist can give our opinion. When we are analyzing the palm of any particular person we are looking at all aspects of the palm instead of one aspect.
Qualities associated with Mercury line/mount

- linkman/networking skills
- it can be computer coding too as the ultimate aim is to interlink
- calculation
- communication
- skills of all kinds
Length of Sashi Tharoor Mercury finger and Married Life.

In the hands of Sashi Tharoor, you will notice a well-padded mount of Mercury. Padding over any mount planet brings in photogenic memory, provided there are fewer lines on this mount. He is a politician, a former diplomat, and a writer. So as explained above you will notice he has good qualities of Mercury and Jupiter in him
Mercury’s finger is also known as the pinky finger the 4th finger.
I am not too sure about the length of Mercury’s finger in the case of Sashi Tharoor. In the image, it is appearing to be short. The book on palmistry talks about a long mercury finger almost reaching the 1st / top phalange/nail phalange of the Sun finger. If the length of the mercury finger touches or exceeds the top phalange of the ring/sun finger it is considered to be long.
Now in his case, as the finger is short as far as I can judge I may be wrong). My own observation, not according to the book. Consider Mercury to be a communication tower that emits signals and receives signals.

- such people may do higher studies.
- thirst for knowledge remains
- always feeling that lacking in knowledge, therefore studying more.
- very good communicators with 1000 people they do not know.
- very bad communicator with near and dear ones.
- unable to bridge the gap between near and dear ones.
- the signals that are emitted reach far of places but unable to reach the person who is standing right next to the communication tower.
- breakup with their loved ones/divorce too.
I have a combination of lines which seems formation of letter m on the mercury mount. Does this mean something or it has the same meaning which you have mentioned in your article about fake m letter on the palm?
100% M is not money.
Although what you might be seeing like an M-sign. Might be a few pentacle lines over the mount of Mercury, and that may be considered to be a good sign. Any perpendicular line over the mount of mercury is considered to be good because it brings a good set of skills. Good skills give us good money.
I have a cross on my mercury line above the head line and below the heart line. But my mercury line is well developed and touches the fate line from the mount of mercury. It does form a V as you have stated in your article. What does this mean?
I have already stated what you are asking. The thing is people want to know how much success. This cant be quantified.
Cross on my mercury line must be seen in a negative depending upon the strength of the cross. Although everything is not lost if you have a cross.
As mentioned by you a mercury line is well developed and touches the fate line from the mount of mercury. It does form a V as you have stated in your article. Is again a good sign.
– Describing one’s hand and seeking answers can present challenges for both the person asking and the one trying to respond.
– Providing an accurate reply becomes difficult when there is no opportunity to observe the actual hand in question.
– No matter how diligently or comprehensively an individual describes their palm, words alone often fail to convey the complete picture.
I have three lines on mercury. Two lines are making dweep. What does it mean?
A single line on the mount of Mercury signifies a specific set of skills, while two lines indicate proficiency in two distinct skill sets. When both lines are deep, it suggests that the first two skills are honed to a higher degree of expertise compared to the third one. This depth differential indicates a greater mastery and polish in those two particular areas.
My top phalange of third finger is divided in two by a very deep line on both hands. It is confusing to know which phalange (first or second) is the dominant on the third finger. Any help, sir?
You’re asking about the four sections on the third finger. The top section, further divided into two, primarily relates to mental stimulation. The third finger, often associated with the sun, represents creativity, art, music, risk-taking abilities, as well as potential for recognition and renown. When a horizontal line appears, it can symbolize obstacles or challenges in your life, potentially creating blockages. Determining the dominance of the first or second phalange is best done by examining your palm in person; it’s not something I can definitively ascertain without a visual assessment.
Hi i have one horizontal line and a vertical line on Mercury mount what done it mean!
A horizontal line on the Mercury mount is generally considered negative, whereas a vertical line can be positive, depending on its strength. The predominant line determines the outcome. If the horizontal line is significantly stronger than the vertical one, it’s viewed negatively. Conversely, if the vertical line is stronger than the horizontal, its presence outweighs the negative impact of the horizontal line, regardless of its prominence on the Mercury mount. Therefore, there’s no need to fret.
Mercury line is a horizontal line. Isn’t it ?
Then how come it became negative sign.
Vertical lines mean you are trying to master your skills on a daily basis.
Horizontal line act as a speed-breaker barrier.
Can you describe further or give practical? explanation why you. are asking this particular question, because you may have something to say or contribute.
Mercury line is a horizontal line. Isn’t it ?
Then how come it became negative sign.
As described in the article, the vertical lines on the Mercury Mount are positive. If there are horizontal lines, those are considered to be negative. Horizontal lines could mean blockage in communication.
Hi I have four parallel lines, quite long, on the left hand. Five parallel lines on the right hand, quite long. Between the long lines there is many other little lines different lengths and almost parallel and never cross.
It’s crucial to have deep and clear parallel lines under Mercury’s finger, indicating well-developed skills. Bleak or weak lines suggest skills that may need more sharpening. Each line represents a skill, with multiple lines indicating a range of abilities. I’ve covered this in detail in a Palmistry blog. Hope that clarifies things for you!