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The M symbol is made up of four lines: heart, fate, head, and life. Four lines crisscross each other form the M sign. Read the article in full and ask yourself if M on palm really a good sign. Please do leave a comment if you believe me or disagree. Top websites mention this symbol is a lucky sign and give you everything in your life.
What does the M symbol mean in palmistry?

I’d like to point out that the M sign is a fraud right away. Fake palmists are promoting it as a money sign in palmistry.
A famous saying is “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will ultimately come to accept it”.
It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
Mark Twain
If you keep repeating that the M sign is a good sign, people will eventually believe it to be a lucky sign. No good palmistry book mentions the M sign.
Above all, I am 100% sure it is a fake sign propagated by conmen and fake palmists.
Why the M sign is a fake sign

The M sign/symbol is one of the best examples of a false sign gone viral in palmistry. The M sign is used by palmists with incomplete knowledge of palmistry. These shady palmists prey on people’s emotions and fool them.
Why do people believe “M” sign is a positive sign, my reasons why it’s is neither good or bad?
The reasoning why the M sign is fake.

Step by step reasoning to clarify, how a fake palmist manipulates the mind of a seeker.
- You are told by a palmist that, M symbol on your palm.
- If you’re getting a palm reading , it’s safe to assume most of your query would be about money.
- The first word you are likely to associate with letter M is money.
- You are likely to believe you would be very wealthy, because of M sign.
I’m so used to hearing so many lies, that the truth doesn’t even seem real.
Ask palmist why M means money and is a lucky sign.
I urge you to use common sense before believing the M sign is a good sign.
- Ask for clarification and reasoning why M means money.
- A counter-question to those who believe in M sign. Is palmistry about searching for English letters on your palm.
- Can the origins of palmistry can be traced back to Britishers? Does palmistry only recognise English letters?
- The truth is that the roots of palmistry can be traced all the way back to India. As a result, do we start searching for Sanskrit, Tamil or Hindi words, that mean money. Searching for words of any language is an inaccurate method of giving a palm reading.
- My final advice to stop searching for English, Sanskrit, Tamil, or Hindi words or letters on the palm.
- Basing palm reading on simple palmistry principles gives accurate palm analysis results.
- In most cases, a client seeking palm reading just wants to hear good things, so the blame might not be entirely on the bogus/fake/charlatan/quack palmist.
M Sign on Hand Palmistry, Meanings and Significance
As previously said, the M symbol on one’s palm has no meaning. M sign is present on 85% of people hands. Therefore it’s not a rare sign or a sign at all.
The reality, M is formed by heart line, headline, fate line, and lifeline. These lines are common in every person’s hands.
The vast majority of people are dumb and only want to be told that they can make millions of dollars. The only way they feel they can be millionaires is by rare line or combination or sign or symbol.
When a fake/bogus palmist tells the client they are likely to believe them and feel elated and happy.
Harder you work luckier you get
Gary Player
Is the M symbol on your palm?
Almost every palmist talks about the M symbol. Top websites, not just palmist websites have articles about M sign. They go on to say that m sign people are rich, world-famous, prophets, brave, leaders everything.

The people who write these articles are bogus people and do copy-paste. Some of the people who do write articles do not know palmistry at all.
Is there a Lucky Letter M Sign on your palm? -Is it true or false?
The M sign palmists talk about is not found in any respectable palmistry book. This is a new phenomenon created by modern fake/bogus palmists. The biggest fraud by modern palmists is the M sign. This is mostly created by Indian and foreign palmists, fake palmists to counter the lack of knowledge of palmistry.

M sign is not a lucky sign in palm reading. Furthermore, if everyone has M sign on the palm how can it be a lucky sign. We as Indians are living in a colonial hangover that everything English is a good sign. If a palmist tells you you have M sign ask them why is it a good sign? The answer should be convincing enough for a non-palmist to understand.
Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish
If The Lines On Your Palm Form An ‘M.’ It Could Reveal Hidden Information
The lines that purportedly form the M symbol on one’s palm themselves tell a lot about a person, not necessarily the M sign. We must analyze individual lines independently.

M sign is created by fake/charlatan palmist. People who do not know are the ones who create a widely held but false belief or idea that the M sign gives riches, name, fame, power, position and spirituality.
Luck sign in palm reading
Why can’t a luck sign be a simple sign? Does a luck sign has to be complicated and rare. It may be hard to believe but a simple indication may indeed be far better than a rare sign.
In fact, luck is not what gives success it is our own capabilities that make us successful or fail. Instead of searching for luck, we must search for capabilities in our hands.

Although what may appear to be a simple line may in fact be rare. For example, fewer lines over the mount of mercury, padding over the mount of mercury, a simple deep perpendicular line over the mount of mercury.
What is the meaning of the letter “M” in the palm of your hand?
Most people believe that the letter M in the palm represents world fame, fortune, land property, spirituality, and healing power.

None of what is told is true.
Palmistry books do they talk about M sign
No good palmistry book discusses the M sign. Cherio, William G. Benham, Comte C. Saint-Germain, or Narayan Dutt Shrimali books have no mention of this sign.

Do beggars have a M sign
M sign is present in hands of beggars, domestic servants, jobless people, cleaners etc. So no significance is attached to the M sign.

Please do observe the hands of servants they too have the M on the palm.
M Sign, can it improve your fortune
M sign does not correlate with improving fortune in your life. It is not a sign of fortune. It is nothing except it is made up of lines that almost every person has on one’s palm.
What does the letter M on your hand mean?
Is palmistry about searching for English letters on one’s palm. Is this the way a palmistry reading is given?

A person who is willing and wants to be fooled will accept that the M sign indicates success. As explained in this article M sign does not bring success. No palmistry Indian or western palmistry book consists of M Sign.
Letter M on both palms native american
Every person in the world has m sign so we can’t say that only native Americans have M sign on one or both palms.
Almost 85% of people do have M sign on the palm, but this is a self-created sign to fool people.
Double M on palm
Conmen created one M Sign but that was not enough so they created double too. A phoney palmist will go to any extent to deceive the public.

What is the meaning of letter m in your hand
It is said people do not fool you it is you yourself who invites others to make a fool of you. So my humble request is not to believe anyone who states that m sign is a good sign on your palm.
How rare is m on palm
M symbol can be seen on the palms of every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Furthermore, the beggar and servant have the M sign.
So decide for yourself how rare M sign on one’s palm.
W sign on Palm
W Sign is another sign like M symbol that has been created to fool people. Fake fake fake. Total fake symbols that are very popular.
As a consequence of people wanting to get rich, they want something rare on the palm. However you don’t need real crazy signs to be successful, moreover, simple straight lines give excellent results.
M on both palms meaning
Undoubtedly M sign has no meaning, on one hand, what meaning will it have on both palms? Please use common sense and read the whole article I have elaborately explained why the M sign is fake.
Meaning of letter M in my palms
Fake palmists have created a narrative that the M sign is a good sign and will bring riches.
The person reading this article should take into account your servant hand, who earns less than $100 per month. He or she, too, has the M sign on the palm.
M sign on palm in hindi
Change the language setting on the lower portion of the screen to convert this article to Hindi. This article explains why the M sign is a forgery.
Lucky sign in palm reading
Ask a few questions when someone tells you about the lucky sign?
- What is the probability of success by luck?
- What is probablity of success by your own abilities, skills and efforts?
- Even if you are lucky will you be able to manage the money without any skills?
If you invest in education and skills, you will most likely earn more money.
I personally look at your palm to search for human qualities that give success. Palm can accurately point out qualities that give success.
How rare is M on palm
A feeling of worthlessness is likely to creep in if a palmist says there are no rare signs on the palm. I tell in my palm readings that no out of the world sign or no line is the best sign. Besides a rare line can be a simple deep and clear line under the Mount of Mercury.
Every Tom, Dick and Harry have the M sign on the palm. M symbol is not an unusual sign, it can be seen on everyone’s hands. A common faulty notion/ opinion is a rare sign is a good sign. In fact it is no sign at all.
M sign on both palms in hindi
Translate this article in Hindi by clicking on the translate button on the lower portion of the screen.
Letter m on both palms native american
Crazy questions people search and one of them does native Americans have the letter M on both palm.
How are Native Americans different from other parts of the world. Do they have horns or do they have a tail like a monkey? The reasoning given in this article regarding letter M applies to everyone, not just male or female or any community or country.
Does everyone have an M on their palm
Yes, almost 85% of people do have M on their palms. From beggars to billionaires, from workaholics to jobless people have m sign-on palm.
Letter M is it a good omen
The whole internet is flooded with articles on M sign claiming to be the sign that will bring you all possible problems and propel you into luxuries.
Citing one article mentions that it’s a good omen. It mentions that the person with M sign will have leadership quality, riches, fortune.
But most of these articles are written by palmists with limited or no knowledge on the subject of palmistry. Most of these signs are self-created without any association with palmistry.
Truth is so rare, it is delightful to tell it.
Emily Dickinson
I have a large fork but not very near my pinky finger though I have been divorced once I was married but I have another line breathe this fork what it means that is not forked and I don’t have fork in my left hand. According to age calculations, I’m confused coz in both hands I have two marriage lines of different lengths n depths but my first marriage has been broken why it shows my divorce in later years I’m afraid too pls explain me I have very long deep line near my pinky finger starting from back of my palm in left hand n bit cross beneath it near heart line it’s so confusing pls explain me I’m so afraid as well
everything cant be explained in the replies. One has to go into details in palm reading and look at multiple aspects.. i have written in details regarding marriage line. please search “palmist indian marriage line”. If you already had a divorce try to look forward for a better person. Just because a palmist says you have another bad marriage you should not stop looking for another partner. do not try to self read your palm. when your marriage failed was it just one reason. the answer is no. there may have been multiple reasons. same case regarding marriage line. just one line does not determine everything.
I appreciate this article… Thanks for posting.
Thank you for liking
This article about the M sign isn’t very helpful. The topic headings are misleading as no real information is given on the M sign. It’s just repeating over and over that the M sign being special was invented by conmen. It seems as though the author has no insight whatsoever on the M sign and is holding a personal vendetta on the sign itself
It does seem you wanted to hear something good about m sign. I am sorry you were disappointed when you heard it’s of no use. Infact it’s not a sign any palmistry book talks about. I did mention how fake palmist use the psychology of a person to impress upon the person. Question The first word that comes to your mind when a palmist tells you have a m sign is??? You are likely to associate it with money. Therefore I repeat m sign is no sign at all. Why not look for words from A to Z on one’s palm. Will it be a correct way?? Think about it.
Why no palmistry book talks about it.
To confirm if I am wrong go to any good palmistry books written in past 100 years. Does that book mention it.
Thank you for your article and a very good point of view.
Can I ask where the research of the 85% of people have the M sign was conducted and compiled?
take a look around you and you will find it to be true.
look at 100 people around you.
rich and poor and from every strata of life and you will find it to be true.
seems you have a great liking for M sign.
90% of the palmist online are saying its the best sign.
ask your self are they playing with yoru mind
Yeh. Bs. Here. Ok. So it’s neither good or bad. Funny they mention about how ppl are fake conmen etc just repeating enough so others will believe. However they themselves repeat over and over ect. Idk. For all we know it’s actually the mark of the beast.
really didn’t understand what you mean. If you have read through the article I have explained in details whey there is no meaning attached to M sign
I have a M sign on my palm but I don’t believe everything I see on the internet also your article is a bit very enlightening and which book can I read to give more details about palm reading and not letter reading on palm
ready every book on palmistry because every book may teach you something. start with cherio, saint germain, ray douglas etc. but dont follow the book completely as there are few things in books too that you will never find in palm reading. something like a saturn sign on jupiter mount. ( i mean the zodiac saturn sign symbol)
So, what is the reality of the meaning of letter M in you hand?
Are you saying the palmistry is a bogus?
The absolute worst article ever. A whole bunch of criticism with no real solutions or solid information to support its claims. A lot of repeated rhetoric with no basis of evidence.
Your feedback on the article is valued. You mention my article, appears to lack substance, primarily consisting of criticism without offering practical solutions or substantial evidence to support its assertions. Main reasoning from my side was ” English letters on palms when palmistry might not have originated from the British” holds merit. It questions the reliance on English characters on the palm when the origins of palmistry predate such influences, making a valid case against these interpretations.
Hello, my name is Jerri. I’ve been very interested in palmistry. I would love to learn it some day. But as of now, I cannot afford. But I’ve been researching a lot, and u, I believe, seem to be the most genuine. One reason for that, yes, I was believing the m on my palms made me special. Lol. But when u said that it originated in India, of course!, well,, of course it did! How silly we have been to believe English letters mean something. Although maybe some can, but ur point still holds true. Thank u very much. U have taught me to be more aware. And I’m very glad to have found your website, Dhanyavaad aur shubhkamnayein.
We should not be looking for Sanskrit, Hindi, Malayalam or any other language letter words. on your palm. Thank you for writing to me. At least there is someone who. believes in it. What I am saying. I do have three palmistry courses on udemy at very reasonable cost. or you can learn for free on my youtube channel.