Table of Contents
Qualities associated with the mount of Jupiter as follows. A government job, governance, growth, expansion, ambition, bossism, spirituality, superstition, hypocrisy, religion, and so on are all synonymous with Mount Jupiter. Each planet in palmistry/astrology must be assessed for its positive and negative characteristics.

To understand Jupiter understand Jupiter in our solar system.
Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. Jupiter’s size is almost two times the total size of all other planets put together. The size of Jupiter is so big that, 11 Earth’s can fit on Jupiter’s equator.

Jupiter has intense gravity and it can catapult a person to a higher position if Jupiter is placed well on one’s palm. Big is associated with everything big, growth, expansion, systems as in government. Big size also means more content.
Mount of Jupiter is associated with politics honor religion administration and sprituality
Mount of Jupiter is prominent and padded in hands of a politician who rises to positions of authority and honour.

This isn’t to say the other planets can be ignored. For example, a good politician has exceptional listening abilities. A positive Mercury mount is needed to be a professional communicator.

A single planet can only produce limited results. The alignment of the planets with Jupiter’s mount plays a significant part in our ability to become a politician.
What are the positive and negative traits of Jupiter in palm reading?
The following points can work in a positive way for example organizational skills some people may have a good understanding and others may lack the ability to organize.

- organization skills, understanding of organizational structure its knowledge comes from the mount of Jupiter.
- administration skills, how to administer its understanding.
- political skills, it’s understanding
- religion gives us a deep understanding of our faith, deep belief, and worship.
- spirituality
- growth
- honour
- position
- power
- systems
- leadership
- bossism
- submissiveness
What is the meaning of overdeveloped Mount of Jupiter
Excess of everything is bad, and the mount of Jupiter in palmistry is no exception. Flat, poorly rayed, marked, crisscrossing lines, reduced surface area, or total absence of a Jupiter mount does not imply the total absence of the qualities the mount depicts.

Sometimes the mount is negative yet gives positive results. If the mount is totally bad, negative the thirst for those very qualities increases manyfold, therefore the person works extra hard to get the results the mount represents.
What does the presence or absence of lines on Jupiter’s mount imply?
No lines or fewer lines over mounts are considered to be better than more lines over it. More is not better, less is not bad. Fewer lines over the mount of Jupiter signify the person is able to make sound decisions in administration politics and religion.
Mostly cross on Jupiter mount is considered to be an auspicious sign while a sign cross on any other part of the palm is a negative symbol.

The ideas and the understanding is better understood if the mount of Jupiter has less lines over it.
- Horizontal lines are negative lines, and too many of them over any mount can degrade its qualities.
- For example, too many lines on Mercury mount overworks the mind. A mind needs rest too. When there are fewer lines around a mount, the planet will relax and replenish its energies.
- The same applies to too many lines on it. As excess of qualities of Jupiter is fanatic, radical, revolutionary, extremist, bossism etc.
What do the lines originating on Jupiter’s mount mean?
If planet Jupiter is well padded, with upward lines from life or head, moving towards or originating on the mount of Jupiter, it represents that we seek honour growth in our life.

Planet Jupiter represents the following. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. Therefore this planet talks about growth in your life.
What if the lines from Jupiter’s mount merge with life line?
Line originating on the mount of Jupiter means life guided by Jupiter. The meaning of Jupiter is big, honour. Therefore the purpose of life will be a high position/honourable position.
What if the lines from Jupiter mount merge with head line?
Upward lines from the headline pointing towards the mount of Jupiter mean our mind is guided by Jupiter and Jupiter means honour. Our mental inclination is aimed for a high position/honourable position.
What is Sympathy lines on Jupiter mount?
These lines are somewhat similar to Solomon ring under the first finger the Jupiter’s finger.

The only difference is that instead of being curved as seen in Solomon ring these lines appear to be straight.
What is the meanings of the diagonal line on Jupiter’s mount?
Diagonal lines are lines that have been explained above they can be line of sympathy or Solomon ring.
What does the Trident on Jupiter’s mount mean?
Trident is a good sign on Mount of Jupiter.

As a result a person may reach high position of honour and respect. For example it may represent diplomacy.
What does the Cross on Jupiter mount mean?
Cross Jupiter mount is an excellent indication. Owing to a cross on Jupiter mount the person can expect a happy union and a happy married life. The person is likely to be married to a respectable family.

Cross, in general, is a bad sign a negative sign but only on the mount of Jupiter, it’s a positive sign provided it’s small-sized and independent. Above all, it means the partner is from a well off and educated family.
What does the Square on Jupiter’s mount mean?
Square means preservation from loss of position and respect.

Person’s does not do dishonourable and even if some mistake is committed the person is safeguarded.
What is the meaning of window sign on Jupiter mount?
When more than one square appears on the mount of Jupiter it appears to be a window. It has a similar meaning to a square on the Jupiter mount.

Square means preservation from loss of position. Jupiter is the mount for position, power, honour, religion and politics.
What does the Fish on Jupiter’s mount mean?
I don’t believe in a fish sign, it’s more like a island. Island are bad sign on a palm.

What does the Mole on Jupiter’s mount mean?
Mole increases and decreases the qualities of the mount it is placed on. A mole can give excellent results at the same time the same mole bring about bad results as well.

As Jupiter represents position, honour, politics and religion. A mole on Jupiter mount may bring honour or dishonour. The main quality of the mole is that it makes the area/mount significant in its own way. The benefits or losses can come in the life of an individual depending upon the other indications on one’s palm.
What does the Grille on Jupiter’s mount mean?
Grille overworks a mount and brings excess to everything. Jupiter is the mount for growth and expansion. It may bring about expansion in physical body, excess eating, excess religious dogma, excess pride, desire to rule at any cost, bossism, arrogance.
What does the Star on Jupiter’s mount mean?
When judging one’s palm, most people make the error of imagining a star. A star is only a star if it is formed by individual lines crossing together to form a star. The crossing of main lines forming a star is not to be called a star.
Star on Mount of Jupiter is a excellent sign provided it is well formed. Jupiter gives interest and desire to rule and create a system. From childhood onwards, the individual will be drawn to a place of authority. It’s not as if you’ll gain a powerful position as you get older.
So do not think good will happen to you later in one’s life. The star gives benefit in past present and future. If you don’t find anything good that has happened in the past nothing will be good in present or future.
In palmistry, does Jupiter’s mount represent money?
Jupiter mount is not associated with money possessions and wealth although even in businessman’s hand’s mount of Jupiter plays a major part in success in business. If moderately good it brings about a personality that is always growth-oriented.
A person with the human quality of seeking honour, position and respect will work towards doing things that give them honour. People in business do want honour apart from money. A businessman with good Jupiter Mount will do things that are of honourable nature. These people will be truthful towards their clients and that’s the reason why the clients will be repeat customers.
Question related to Jupiter mount in Palm reading?
In general, everybody wants to know about success when they take a palm reading session. Therefore I would be concentrating on success in service, government, or private sector.
In the above video, I have tried to explain that it’s not just the Jupiter Mount in isolation that gives results but a combination of all other mounts as well and other lines on the palm. In the above video I have explained how a good deep clear heart line brings success.
In a palm reading, what does Jupiter Finger represent?
In palmistry, Jupiter’s finger shows our inclinations and/or personality towards a powerful position. The length of Jupiter’s finger if long means wanting to be in a powerful position.
If Jupiter’s finger is longer than Saturn’s finger, the individual is likely to be bossy. The desire to boss around grows in proportion to the length of Jupiter’s finger.
If the length of Jupiter’s finger is substantially short then the person is likely to be submissive. Submissiveness does not mean failure. It means that the person is submitting to other peoples wishes too often. A person who is in a powerful position does have a very short Jupiter finger.
How does the Mount of Jupiter guide a person to honour?
Qualities of seeking honor play an important part in any person’s life even when he was young. This rise of power starts early in one’s life, for example becoming a prefect when a child is in junior class or in college heading student union. A perfect/monitor/senior boy/senior girl is a person who is authorized to enforce, and enforcement comes from the mount of Jupiter. Do not confuse enforcement with aggression, a person can be good at enforcing without being aggressive. He was also president of the party and then a member of parliament.
When an individual is young, what is the significance of Mount Jupiter?
We generally think that being a prefect in junior class is no big deal but if you wish to rise up and be a successful politician you have to or must angle towards being one. The zeal to head/administer crop up early in one’s life and remains with the person for throughout one’s life. So people who generally reach high positions in the later portions of one’s life are associated with power in some way or the other for sure.
What do lines originating on Jupiter’s Mount mean?
The upward lines that we see on his hands have their significance throughout life instead of just for one particular year. What happens in our formative years normally gets duplicated throughout our life, even in the later period of one’s life so these upward lines mean higher position and honor it could be even government or anything to do with honor. When people want to show their palm and get a reading many people ask about a government job.
Whenever I see upward lines from lifeline or headline governance and governance can happen in a government job, private sector, religion, or ngo. Jupiter is governance and not necessarily only government there’s a difference between governance. If a person is heading something where you are the organizational head, it basically means better political understanding and organizational skills and playing a political part and basically reaching a higher position.
Vice President headline originate on the Jupiter mount
Jupiter mount/lines have significance in governance, politics, and administration. The headline is origination purely on top of the Mount of Jupiter in Vice-President’s hands. Origination of a line determines what qualities the person is guided by, in his case his mind is being guided by Jupiter mount. Although the portion of the line of the head under the mount of Jupiter represents approximately age 0-12 years, its significance is for whole life not just before that age of 12.
How is Jupiter connected to spirituality?
- Jupiter in Hindi means a guru and guru means higher knowledge.
- Jupiter is not mathematics, science, genetics, artificial intelligence.
- The meaning of higher knowledge is different, it’s more to do with spirituality.
- Spirituality does not mean only praying or with magical power.
- Religion provides higher understanding, and the Bhagwat Gita is higher knowledge. Other faiths too have superior knowledge; however, the vocabulary used can vary.
- Spirituality is more to do with leading a life for a higher purpose.
How does Jupiter, when combined with Mercury and other planets, improve the chances of success?
No one planet brings a high position it is a combination of many planets together that can take the person higher.

- To reach a high position in the present times you need to have very good communication skills or calculations.
- These qualities come from mercury lines, perpendicular lines strong deep lines are considered to be a good while and weak wavy dim lines are considered to be bad.
- Mercury mount is depicting our calculation and communication technology skills business skills and all kinds of skills.
- Strong deep perpendicular lines mean you are sharpening your skills. It is like sharpening your pencil. So if a person can sharpen skills 100% gains can be expected.
- Sharpening of skills is on a day to day basis it’s not happening like one day we sharpen and another day we don’t work on our skills. It’s a daily basis that people sharpen their skills and that’s why they basically benefit.
Importance of Mercury in politics although politics is represented by Jupiter

Planet Jupiter the mount play a major role in our success to be a politician. As these people reach a high position in life. They always command respect. They get respect due to people knowing the strength they command among people.
It appears to be well padded. Such people do reach a high position due to their knowledge. Although high position does not come with mercury it is the mount of Jupiter or Jupiter planet that gives honour respect in life.
Mercury area makes one a good writer and good set of skills.
Also notice the 1st finger the finger of Jupiter and the mount under it. The length of the Jupiter finger is not long nor short but the mount of Jupiter is well padded. This padding gives the person a better understanding of administration, political understanding, religious inclination. Jupiter also gives the person higher learning. Higher learning spirituality is depicted by Jupiter.
Who did this blog it’s so negative then it still never gave the correct answers I’ve never seen this negative of a reading without pictures and it’s as if they don’t believe you can have positive lines such as a star a clean cut star…..I’ll find my answers elsewhere at this point….everything in life doesn’t have to be negative
Hello Kat I will be adding images I went back and read my article that I have written I didn’t say that a star is a bad sign on the Mount of Jupiter. People generally exaggerate while giving a palm reading I try to be more realistic. Whatever your age might be the star if it is found on your hand should have played out in a significant way so has the star actually played out in a significant way can you please answer that. I am giving both positive as well as negative aspects. I am not trying to fake things. Itry to give more realistic reading. Can you describe why you find the blog to be very negative although this has not been my intention. I have just been realistic. People generally ignore the whole hand reading and just stress on one or two aspects or sign on palm. This is not the correct way of giving a Palm reading
Pls explain sympathy lines sir , I have 3 diagonal lines in mount of Jupiter along with a ring of Solomon and a part of my head line originated from there , I also have a window and my mount is well padded and prominent
bajaj sir, seems you want the whole reading by you describing your hands. Ah, indeed! The window on the mount of Jupiter is simply a square, my friend! And what does a square signify, you ask? Well, it’s nothing short of a fortress, guarding against the loss of position and respect! So, fear not, for with that square, you’re practically royalty, reigning supreme. Oh dear querent, relying solely on scribbled inquiries for all life’s answers would indeed be a colossal folly and a joke! Why, if you’ve got not one, not two, but three diagonal lines dancing merrily atop the mount of Jupiter, coupled with a fancy ring of Solomon, well, my friend, it seems the lines are having a grand old party up there! And to top it off, a part of your head line even decided to join the festivities. Quite the extravaganza, wouldn’t you say? Perhaps it’s time we invited the palm to share its secrets over a cup of tea!