Table of Contents
Learn everything there is to know about the fate line in hand with the help of the illustrations. It is primarily associated with financial prosperity and life stability. The fate line doesn’t really reveal the quantity of money earned.

If you want to know your odds of success, look at other lines. Fate line carries very little meaning. Only 15% of success or failure is influenced by fate line. Don’t overestimate the importance of the fate line.

The Saturn line, money line, luck line, destiny line, and possessions line are additional names for the fate line.
Almost everyone, wealthy or not, has a destiny line. Poverty is not always a result of the absence of a fate line.
The starting point of the fate line can be found in various places. The second and longest finger, or the Mount of Saturn, is where the line always terminates. Everyone wants to know about the fate line during a palm reading.
The fate line represents prosperity, possessions, and money. Most people have a fate line. Both the wealthy and the beggar possess a fate line. A rich might not have a fate line, while a pauper might have a good one. The absence of the fate line does not necessarily rule out the possibility of wealth.
Beggars and Billionaire do have a fate line

The fate line on a hand comes in a wide range of forms, sizes, and with different symbols. The Mount of Saturn is typically where the fate line terminates. According to palmistry, the Mount of Saturn represents prosperity, possessions, wisdom and a person who is grounded and knows the ground realities of a situation.
There are also negative aspects to Mount of Saturn. The person may become depressed, unable to make smart logical rational decisions, pessimistic, and ignorant of reality.
Too much importance is given to fate line

The fate line is given far too much importance. People believe that if their fate line is bad, their life will be worthless without money, name, or fame. This hasn’t been my experience in practical palm reading.
Many billionaires, I’ve discovered, do not have a fate line on their palm. When the fate line is completely absent, the possibilities are endless. A single fate line that is deep and clear may produce excellent results. A person with a low-wage job, such as a simple cleaner, may have a strong fate line.
What role does fate line play in determining how much money we will have in our lives?

We need to look at other aspects of your palm to reach a conclusion. The significance of the fate line is only 15%.
In palmistry, the fate line is thought to represent a person’s life path, including career, achievements, and financial status. However, the absence of a fate line on a person’s palm does not necessarily imply that they will not be successful or wealthy in life.
Some people have no visible fate line, while others have a faint or incomplete line. In some cases, changes in circumstances or personal development may cause the fate line to emerge later in life.
Fate line and mount of Saturn

A good fate line combined with a bad Mount of Saturn is a negative sign. Bad markings on the Mount of Saturn indicate that the person will face difficulties, roadblocks, delays, and impediments in their life. Some of the bag markings include a cross, a star, crisscrossing lines, a grill, and endless confusing horizontal lines.
Saturn’s mount is located at the base of the middle finger and is associated with discipline, responsibility, and perseverance. A well-developed Saturn mount is thought to indicate a strong work ethic and the ability to overcome challenges and obstacles in the pursuit of success.
The fate line and Saturn’s mount are frequently interpreted together in palmistry as indicators of an individual’s potential for career success and financial stability. A strong and well-defined fate line that ends at Saturn’s mount is thought to be a good omen for success and wealth, whereas a weak or absent fate line may indicate a more difficult career path.
Fate line and mount of Mercury

A favourable fate line but negative markings on the Mount of Mercury indicate negative outcomes. Bad markings on the Mount of Mercury indicate that the person is prone to making poor decisions, miscalculations, and miscommunication.
Grill, island, horizontal lines, crisscrossing lines, and broken mercury line are examples of bad markings on a Mercury mount. It stands to reason that if a person miscalculates and miscommunicates, the likelihood of suffering losses increases. These negative indicators apply to one’s entire life, not just one year. The bad markings on the Mount of Mercury are weak horizontal and vertical lines crossing each other. Too many weak lines on the Mount of Mercury indicate that the person is multitasking. To be successful it is better not to multitask, and be a specialist.
Vertical lines on the mount of Mercury is an excellent sign of success. A single vertical line is better than multiple weak lines on the mount of mercury. To be successful in today’s world, you must be a specialist. Single lines mean you are a specialist.
Mercury’s mount is located at the base of the little finger and is associated with communication, intelligence, and calculations. A well-developed Mercury mount is thought to indicate a talent for communication as well as the ability to succeed in careers that require skills.
The fate line and Mercury’s mount are frequently interpreted together in palmistry as indicators of an individual’s potential for career success and financial stability. A well-developed fate line with one branch pointing towards Mercury’s mount is thought to be a good omen for success in communication-related fields such as business, medical science, engineering, journalism, public relations, or advertising.
Fate line starting from mount of moon

If the fate line starts from the mount of the moon it indicates that the person will gain from the help or good wishes of women, sister, mother, wife, daughter, foreigners. The type of business that may suit this particular person will be a trading activity, service industry.
Fate line broken on the mount of mercury means problems during the early portion of your life and family life as well.
Y shaped Fate line

If the person has a y shaped fate line it is considered to be good specifically if the Y shape is right on the mount of saturn. The reason why it’s considered to be good is as follows.
Consider Y to be a net and it catches the fish. In the same way, the energy or light or current that penetrates the fingers and move towards the palm are being cached, stockpiled, accumulated, stored for future use.
Fate line broken forming a Y is not the best sign to have. It’s better to have a perfect Y formation instead of broken.
Fish sign on Fate line

The island on the fate line is similar to the fish sign on the fate line in hand. On the palm, an island or fish sign on the fate line is not a good sign. A simple, deep, and clear fate line is always preferable to a complicated fate line.
Many palmists are making videos on YouTube these days claiming that the fish sign on the fate line is an excellent sign; however, I completely disagree with them. There is no mention of fish on the palm in any good palmistry book.
It is said that Indian Vedic books discuss these rare signs, but these books are not visible or available for purchase. I haven’t come across any Vedic palmistry books in the last 35 years mentioning that fish is a sign at all. Nowadays, palmist authors use the title Vedic palmistry, but the book contains no Vedic content.
A broken fate line with a fish sign is a worrying sign. Fish sign palmistry has become so popular in recent years that I’m left wondering why it wasn’t available before. Implying you have a rare sign like a fish is an easy way to fool people. Due to a lack of basic palmistry knowledge, fake palmists only discuss rare signs.
Short fate line it’s meaning

A person with a short fate line and a prominent Mount of Mercury is a good sign. It does not matter if the fate line is short. Despite a short fate line, the person may be employed in a high-paying job or running a successful business.
Fate line stops at heart line

It does not matter much even if the fate line stops on the heart line. There can be various indications that can negate the negative impact of the fate line stopping on the heart line.
If the hand structure is strong less or no impact of fate line ending on heart line. Mount of Mercury, Venus, and the Sun should be prominent and positive. It means no unnecessary lines over the mount.
Mount of Saturn should not have grill like lines or crisscrossing lines over it, this will bring hardship if the fate line ends on the heart line. If there are no lines on mount of Saturn in that case no negative impact.
Broken fate line palmistry

A broken fate line in hand/palm is a negative sign but people should not fear it as it’s only a temporary setback, not a permanent setback. There may be thousands of signs on your palm that may negate the break-in fate line. The fate line broken brings financial instability.
The instability need not only be in finances but another aspect of life. It can be your personal life as well. If finances are bad it will rock your life.
Fate line broken at the headline in many hands this is age 35 and it’s a major portion of one’s life. The person is married and parents getting old so trouble mounts on this particular person. More responsibilities come on this person’s head, as the father or main earning member’s health or wealth deteriorates. A person’s wealth, business, or job may also get affected.
Fate line branches end

Fate line branches palmistry f firm, deep, clearly pointing towards the fingers is considered to be an excellent sign. Branches on the fate line are considered to be a good sign. It’s not all about luck it’s also to do with our hard work and consistency. The mere presence of fate line in hand does not guarantee success. Example branches towards mercury will bring riches due to good skills. Skills is represented by Mercury.
Fate line with branches towards Mars negative

Branches pointing towards inner mars, mars negative is a bad sign/a negative sign. Mars’s negative symbolizes aggression and fire. Therefore if the fate line in palmistry or a branch from the fate line points towards the mount of mars negative, it means all that you earn is destroyed or losses.
Double Fate line / parallel fate line in palmistry

Double fate line in palmistry is a lucky sign, provided it is of good quality. Good quality is signified by the presence of a deep and clear line. A weak, dim, unclear, wavy double fate line is of no use. Generally, people are elated when they find a double fate line. Please don’t be too happy if you do have a double fate line. Double fate line does not a person will earn millions and billions.
Double fate line may just mean that you may have a dual income. Dual income is not more income. A single source of income is better than multiple sources of income. If the fate line is deep and clear it signifies that the person will have a support system in place. It can be partner may support in income. It’s an extra pillar of strength with the presence of double fate line.
Fate line age in palmistry

The intersection of fate and heart line is age 53. The intersection of the fate line in hand and head line is age 35 on your fate and head line.
Just before the intersection of fate and head line age 33. A bit far away from the Intersection of fate and head line is age 28 years on your fate line.
Palm reading no fate line

No fate line in palmistry, at times can be an excellent sign, provided all other markings are excellent. Billionaires and rich people may not have a fate line. Beggars may have a good fate line but are still poor. Good indications and prominent mount of Mercury, Mars, Venus, Sun, and Jupiter may negate the absence of fate line. Palm reading of fate line for money is not limited to just reading the money line.
Island on fate line in palmistry

Island on fate line in hand is a bad indication it may bring about an elongated period of financial distress and problems.
At times the island is present it may seem that a person experiences luck but in end the person experiences losses or job loss.
Triangle on fate line in palmistry

The triangle on the fate line is an excellent indication it may bring about the purchase of property or buying a house or office or land. The triangle on the fate line may indicate luck and gains in life.
Cross on fate line in palmistry

A cross on the fate line may indicate job loss or business loss. There is various degree of job or business loss. It all depends on how big/strong the cross is. Sometimes on well-structured hands, a small cross may give a bigger loss as it’s something like one is driving a high-performance car at great speed. A weak hand with a bigger cross may not give a major loss as the car is at a slower speed and the impact is weak.
The cross on the fate line in hand is a bad indication it may bring about hardships, problems in finances, job loss, or business loss. The person may make a few wrong decisions. The stronger clearer the cross bigger the loss. The weak cross line is of no significance.
Square on fate line in palmistry

The square on the fate line is an excellent indication it may bring about the purchase of property or buying a house or office or land. The square on the fate line may preservation from losses or job loss. It preserves the person from making the wrong decisions.
Broken fate line and covered by a square so it means preservation. We feel safe in our house/room and the shape of the house is square. Therefore a square on any line means preservation from losses/trouble/hardships.
Fate line stops at head line

When the fate line stops at the headline this intersection is age 35. This particular age is of great importance as we have settled in life. This is when troubles start as parents are getting old and biological changes are taking place in mother and partner. The same important aspects playing out on the palm as well.
The meaning of the ending or stopping of the fate line on the headline is an indication of to be trouble. Fate line broken has their effect on the money aspect but on other aspects of life as well. It can be a job loss or work loss. It can be the father or main earning members’ bad health or finances.
Fate line and life line joined

If the fate line is joint with the lifeline it signifies that the person will earn money through his own efforts. The person will work hard and with his own knowledge efforts make it big in his life. We can’t quantify the amount of money the person will earn but the person will be a self-made man.
The meaning of the line remains the same if we say fate line and life line merged or joined.
Fate line and sun line cross
The first instance is that the beginning of the fate line is on the mount of venus. This the point of origination of the fate line so the line moves forwards and it crosses the lifeline while going towards the mount of Saturn. Under these circumstances, the person gains from his family members. Family members play a major role in the success of this person.

The fate line may or may not cross the sun line. Even if the fate line crosses the sun line it is not a bad sign. Provided both the lines fate line and the sun line remain firm, deep, and clear. If the fate line is starting under the mount of the moon there is a chance that the fate line may cross over the sun line. The crossing of both these lines is not a good or a bad sign, they just cross that, is it.
Fate line and life line cross
The fate line may cross the life line under 2 circumstances.

Cross a small one and purely a cross and not crossing of major trouble lines from the mount of mars is a negative sign. The crossing of trouble lines from mars negative are is also a negative sign.

The second instance is when the fate line starts outside the lifeline but it moves towards the mar’s negative area. Another instance can be when a branch from the fate line moves towards the lifeline and crosses it. In both instances it’s a bad sign as the money line that moves towards the mars negative are the are of aggression and fire. If money meaning money moves towards fire it will burn. This is the reason why it’s a negative sign. The name of the mount is Negative mars but don’t this it’s only negative.
Fate line and head line merged
The fate line and headline merged together there can be various variations, deepening upon the palm.

At some point or the other fate or headline is going to be independent.

The fate line and headline merged at the start then the fate line moves away towards the mount of Saturn. It signifies that the person will gain through his mental aptitude, some idea, or something to with one’s mind or mental outlook that changes the person’s life.
Fate line and life line parallel

The fate line and the life line do run parallel for some duration, the approximate age can be from early life till age 32. If running close to life line person’s own efforts pays off.
A long fate line

Fate line long moving towards the mount of Saturn if deep clear is a good sign. The length of the fate line does not guarantee more money. A shorter fate line may indicate more money. Money is dependent upon the quality of the fate line and other aspects of the palm and not just the length of the fat line.
A forked fate line

Fate line forked pointing towards the fingers is an excellent sign. The fate line starts from the base of the palm and moves towards the fingers. A forked fate line pointing towards the fingers is a good indication.
While a fork from the fate line if it points towards the lifeline or Mars negative mount may give negative/bad results.
A cross on fate line

Luck line in palmistry

Few people call the fate line to be the luck line although it is a wrong interpretation. The absence of the fate line does not mean bad luck. Excellent possibilities emerge if the fate line is missing totally. This does not mean that other parts of the palm are not good. Another part of the palm should be good only then a person will attain success.

Many people think fate line to be the career line. The fate line does not tell what career you may choose or practicing. The fate line can’t tell the amount of money the person has. A stable fate line in palmistry, point towards stability in finances and personal life.
Government job in hand

The fate line can’t tell if a person is in government job or will be getting a government job. People in India and similar countries where government jobs are rare and
Today projecting self very intelligent and trying to define life of others and establishing self as Great Fortune Predictor is À Habit in general manner.Since all have mouth and Tongue none can oppose.I have practiced hand line reading for past 40 years .Still I think my self a beginner Thanks.
Well said, but here i am not claiming to know everything. What words in my article made you believe in saying what you said. Every person is a learner and they will continue to learn throughout your life.
I will suggest if you do have so much of experience why are you shying away form sharing your knowledge. Share you knowledge so that others benefit.
My fate line stop at mind line and than other line start from mind line vertical what it means
Problems at age 35 financial or
Main member of family health or wealth decreases and more responsibility falls onto this person head.
The personal life of the person may go down at age 35.
1) Change in career or life direction: The interruption of the fate line at the mind line followed by a vertical line suggests a shift or change in one’s career or life path. It may indicate a transition or a new beginning in a different field or area of interest.
2) Transition in thoughts or mindset: The connection between the fate line and the mind line can indicate a transition or change in one’s thoughts, beliefs, or mindset. It could suggest a shift in perspective that leads to new opportunities or a different approach to success.
3) Combination of fate and mental pursuits: The vertical line starting from the mind line could represent a focus on intellectual or mental pursuits that contribute to one’s overall destiny or life path. It suggests that one’s thoughts, ideas, or knowledge play a significant role in shaping their success and achievements.
all said one must not look at the palm lines in isolation.
I have a line (not deep but relatively thin) that goes from my heart line diagonally and joins to my fate line. I have a simian variant head and heart line on my right hand, I say variant as it has a partial head line. I know some still call it a simian line anyway rather than a variant, and was wondering what the diagonal line might mean ?? I don’t think it’s a perfect line either think another line cuts a bit of it but yeah I don’t know what that means if anything at all.
asking just one question is like taking a partial lopsided haircut.
a line that is thin is of little importance.
However good you may describe it cant substitute actually looking at your hand images.
Heart line joining the fate line towards the fingers is the relationship will help you in your finances.
if the heart line branch moves towards the opposite direction towards the head line it will be negative.
Would you aadvise what does it mean when the fate line has a fork at head line and after that from the left line continues and ends up at the heart line, there is one more parallel line to the right which starts from the head line and ends up at the heart line?
However hard you may explain regarding the kind of lines that you have. It can’t compensate. You actually showing the hand.
Trident pointing towards the fingers. Even if it is. Touching the headline is considered to be good. The timing is age 35. So if the Trident may be starting before the age of 35. So good finances can be expected before the age of 35.
The other lines that you are mentioning. That is starting from the headline. Is something new? Happening at the age of 35.
Whatever I may have answered, it is of no use because I’ve not seen your hand. Many things have to take in to be taken into account, like depth of line, clarity of line, if there’s a wave like formation, if it is a straight line. Many thanks.
That means you should use your mind more than fate to succeed
I’ve tried to describe everything possible. Every line in your palm can be associated with money. Your headline, your hardline, your Venus Mount, Mercury Mount, Saturn Mount, Jupiter Mount, Mercury Mount, Sun Mount, Mount of Moon.
Yes you need to use your mind, no one can deny that.
I do not have fate line . What does it signify ?
i have already answered this question in my article.
no fate line may not be such a bad indication.
at times it may indicate unlimited possibilities.
the whole palm needs an analysis instead of just fate line.
every line on the palm can be associated with money.
My fate line starts from moon area merges with heart line and from little right of heart line goes straight towards mount of saturn
What does it indicates
partial palm reading is of little use. Money line starting from moon brings benefits from various location such as women, foreigners, trading activity, service industry.
Merging of heart and fate line and pointing towards fingers means gains with combination from loved ones.
My headline has an island under Apollo which, it seems, is never talked about in palmistry. It started when I tried my hand at art five years ago at the age of 82. Is it a bad sign?
island on the head line anywhere means an elongated period of stress and anxiety. mentally disturbed. as its under the sun mount, this time comes in the later portion of one’s life. Kindly let me know if you think this aspect applies in your case.
It measn splitting of ones thought into two and then the line widens and then its merging of lines. merging of the who lines means the problem is tapering or ending.
Thank you for that reply. I do not think that the stress, anxiety and mental disturbance you refer to really applies to me as I very much enjoy the artistic challenge. Would you agree that maybe the island developed because it is something new in my life with which I struggle even though I enjoy the struggle?
island on lifeline under Saturn is at what age
The range of age is between 12 to 41 . More specific between the age of 26 to 29. These are approximations only
My fate line is parallel to life line stop at head line.then a line start and that line also stop on heart line and a new line appear which go under middle finger.
There are also lines and squares between life line and fate line..
A parallel fate line that terminates at the headline typically represents events before the age of 35. A break in the line of fate around this age may indicate potential challenges related to work, business, elder health, and personal life.
Another fate line appearing above the headline, below the heart line, signifies an impending change in your life after the age of 35. The quality of this line can offer insights into the success of your endeavors. A square between the lifeline and the fate line suggests a safeguarding of both health and financial well-being.
What does it mean when life line, fate line and travel line are joined together? It is a good sign? Thanks
cant comment what it may mean actually without taking a look at one’s palm. Its common to ask one question and think we know what our plam tells about us. Its the wrong way. Anyhow if all three lines are joint nothing bad provided what you say is correct. It all depends upon the clarity with which they are joint. wavy weak broken fate line is of no use. if the travel lines from moon joints the fate line seemlessly its a good sign.
The concept of timing on fateline is a problem. Even a pragmatic palmist like you has very traditional views on timing. The 35 age at headline intersection and 50-53 at heartline is too stringent and does not make sense. I have seen palms with very narrow quadrilateral area and some are much broader. I think the timing on fate line has to be more flexible.
I do agree to your views but when we are explaining or when the books do explain they have to take some benchmark.
I am a bit flexible. for example.
if a person is born on the 5th of any month then I will consider the intersection of the head and the fate line to be age 32 by using numerology.
if a person is born on the 4th of any month then I will consider the intersection of the head and the fate line to be age 31 or 35 by using numerology.
if a person is born on the 3th of any month then I will consider the intersection of the head and the fate line to be age 33 by using numerology.
so there can be variations but in principle we have to take certain benchmarks
My fate line ends at head line in a fork and continues up to heart line and ends there. On the right there is one more short parallel line which starts from the head line and end to the heart line. What does it mean?
Ending of the fate line at the headline means few problems coming at the age of 35. I don’t know if the headline is broken into pieces. Or. That same headline continues even afterwards. In general. If there is continuity in your money line. You should not have any problem as such. Lastly, even your headline, your sunline, your Mercury, Mount, Venus, Mars, every planet. And every line can talk about money. It’s just the way you look at it. From a different perspective.
I have double fatelines in left hand. One fatline ends till the middle finger. Another fate line stops at headline and this second fate line begins with a fork. What does it mean?
The one that stops on the headline. Is at the age of 35. So you can face some issues around that particular age. The other line that continues. Is for your whole life. Double fate line is just parallel source of income. God gave you two hands. We can’t ignore the left hand. It may be a passive hand, but still be. Take into account. The left hand as well.
I have a lots of line cutting my fate line what does it mean? Really worried about. I have deep heart and life line
Dont be worried too much. When you ask a question I cant answer it completely without looking at your hands. There may be many signs I may miss out on as you just can’t describe your palm in total. Cut on fate line is some issue in finances. Deeper the cut more the intensity. Weak cut lines can be ignored.
When you say you have a deep heart and lifeline. What should I make out this to be? It is an incomplete description.
I do not have a fate line in any of these positions. I have a second clear deep line that runs perfectly parallel to my life line (which is clear and curves close around my thenar eminance). Is this a fate line?
My life line starts at the beginning of my head line (below index finger), and this second line starts on the head line about 0.7cm from life line, and ends in the middle of the base of my palm.
Despite our eagerness to display our hands, we can only describe them without physically presenting them. The difficulty lies in deriving definitive conclusions without directly observing our hands.
Attempting to describe your hand without physically examining it may lead to an inaccurate representation. Simply imagining and interpreting your hand without direct observation can be a misguided approach.
What you may be attempting to describe is another lifeline. Running parallel to the main lifeline. A double life line can be considered as a good sign. You need not have a fit line in order to make money in your life. Total absence of the Fate line money line can also be considered to be a good sign.
I have two big lines coming from fate lines in my middle palm and it going on sun and mercury mount respectively and makes a big trident on palm. What is the meaning of that ? And one line coming from moon mount at bottom of palm and touches the fate line and goes to saturn mount.
fate lines going towards the sun and mercury mount and making a big trident on palm is a good sign. It indicates to success due to skills and in general stability in life.
One line coming from moon mount at bottom of palm and touches the fate line and goes to saturn mount is also a good sign.
Describing one’s hand and seeking answers can be quite challenging for both the person asking and the one attempting to respond. Without actually witnessing the hand in question, it becomes difficult to provide an accurate reply. No matter how diligently or comprehensively an individual describes their palm, mere words often fall short in conveying the complete picture.
One of my fate line starts from Mount of moon (it is made by two lines joing and making an island)and ends at heart line.Also a horizontal line(broken but you can imagine joined hyphen type) joins the fate line.Another fate goes straight from base but ends mid way before reaching headline(a line from inside of Venus mount crosses it and a downward line from life line crosses it and make a cross sign on it(2nd fate line))
And I also have a lot of weak horizontal lines on mount of moon and above that.And I also have double brain line.
Please Can you say something about my career and finances?
In principle, an island is typically viewed as a negative sign. However, if it’s an exceptionally long type of island, it might not be as unfavorable as it seems. In fact, it may not even qualify as an island. While you’ve made an effort to explain the horizontal line, I’m unable to form a clear visualization without actually seeing your hand. Excessive description might not be very effective until a direct observation is made. We tend to place a significant emphasis on lines intersecting, forming crosses, or creating islands. I’d advise not to dwell on it excessively. There could be numerous other positive indicators on your palm that signify a great deal of potential for success, recognition, and prosperity.
I have a straight fate line but very short in length starting from Neptune and then end, halfway toward the headline *The line is short, and where it ends it has an X just above it.
what that indicates I tried to find out but haven’t till now.
This is my first encounter with the term “Neptune.” I believe you’re associating it with the region around the Mount of Moon. It’s important to note that a short money line doesn’t necessarily imply a lack of wealth. If the money line concludes at the headline, it might signify financial challenges around the age of 35. Additionally, if there’s a cross just above the interruption in the money line, it may indicate other potential difficulties that could arise after the age of 35. However, assuming that you’ll find answers without showing your palm is a significant misconception. Without seeing your hand, it’s impossible for a palmist to provide accurate insights based solely on description. Remember, your hand’s unique features play a crucial role in palmistry readings.
I have a fate line that is branched and starts in between the hand. What is the meaning
Your question lacks completeness. The inquiry pertains to a fate line exhibiting branching that originates between the hand. The significance is as follows: When the fate line branched extends towards the fingers, particularly the first, second, and third, it is viewed favorably. Conversely, if it branches towards the negative Mars Mount, it is seen as an unfavorable sign, indicating potential losses. Additionally, a fate line commencing in the middle of the hand implies advantages accruing to the individual, typically manifesting after the age of 35.
i have moon luck line in my palm and a line coming from moon mount cuts my moon fate line..
What is implied when you mention having a “Moon, Luck Line”? When branches from the Mount of Moon intersect with the primary money line, it is seen as a positive omen, signifying potential financial gains. These gains may stem from various sources such as marriage or unexpected windfalls from unfamiliar individuals. However, if a branch from the Mount of Moon intersects and cuts across the money line, it suggests a mixture of gains and losses in financial matters.
fate line ends at headline, but there is a big square above it. which covers area between head and heart line. another parallel line starts between fate line and lifeline which touches headline again but in upper side of head line.
Fate line ending on the headline means problems at the age of 35 Square like thing on. the money line means preservation from. losses. Another parallel line starts between the fate line and the lifeline means a new work new profession might start around that particular age. But you have not mentioned exactly where.
It is not only the money line that matters. Every line in your palm can be associated with money even to the extent your heart. line, the line for relationships and partnerships in your love life. Every mount in your palm can be associated with money. So It doesn’t matter if your money line is broken or not. If you have a money line or not, it doesn’t matter at all.
I had a line that… My fate line raised from moon mount and one branch raised and stopped at first mars means below the mercury mount. Would you kindly describe what it is?
Your description is inaccurate. I can’t comprehend the way you have described.. What is the first mars?
If there’s a branch on the line of money, the fate line, one of these branches pointing towards the amount of mercury or towards the. amount of mass positive, the area below the amount of mercury, that too is considered to be a positive sign. It would certainly give you the reward because it is forming a V like potion pointing towards. three different planets or maybe 4. Therefore the person is likely to bring benefits from all those four planets. The Saturn, the sun, the mercury and the mars.
I have diamond sign under Saturn mount. Please tell me what does that mean.
Individuals often seek a single sign that promises wealth and success, hoping for a straightforward answer. However, I regret to inform you that I can’t provide a conclusive response without examining the entire hand comprehensively. Generally, simpler signs on the palm tend to yield more favorable outcomes compared to intricate or convoluted signs.
I have two pretty clear branches from life line going downwards to fate line (left hand). Not so deep though as my life line.
The first one joins fate line, the 2nd one not, that just goes down towards Moon.
And both of these branches have an upside pair a bit more later on life line, so these 2-2 branches give a triangle on life line.
What does it mean, please?
The basic principle is that a branching in the life line can signify potential fluctuations in health or wealth. However, it might also indicate a shift in perspective or even travel opportunities. Additionally, a triangle on the life line is often associated with property or real estate matters.
There is a line coming from lunar mount which is also called travel line which is touching my fate line
And when it touches there is a rare symbol like two brackets ) (
What does this mean
Also there are two triangles related to my fate line
One is small which is made up of fate lines two branches and a line coming from life line which is bend toward small finger
And the other triangle is big and it is made up of fate line heart line and that line bend towrd small finger
Palmistry interpretations suggest that the travel line touching the fate line with a symbol resembling brackets indicates fortunate and unexpected journeys or opportunities in life. The triangles formed by fate, life, and heart lines signify favorable outcomes from your efforts and possibly significant achievements or successful ventures in your future.
Cant comment much as i have not understood your question. I can make my conclusion because i have not seen your hands
I have a clear fate line till head line , then it breaks and again starts very shortly but is now a shallow line , another line is now running parallel to it which is clear and deep , the fate line and the parallel line are under a large box and fate line becomes extremely clear and deep after the head line and the parallel line disappears after it , what does it mean ?
Clear fate line till the head line: This suggests that you have a clear direction and purpose in your career or life path up to a certain point.
Break in the fate line at the head line: A break in the fate line can signify a change in direction or a disruption in your career path. This might indicate a period of uncertainty or change in your professional life.
Fate line starting shortly after the break, but shallow: The reappearance of the fate line suggests that you regain direction after the disruption, but the shallowness could indicate that the path is not as strong or clear as before. It may suggest challenges or setbacks in your career path during this period.
Parallel line running alongside the fate line: This parallel line could represent an alternative path, perhaps indicating the presence of a secondary career or interest that runs concurrently with your primary focus.
The fate line becoming clear and deep after the head line: This suggests that after overcoming the challenges or changes represented by the break in the fate line, your career path becomes clearer and more defined. You may find success and fulfillment in your chosen path.
Parallel line disappearing after the head line: The disappearance of the parallel line could indicate that the secondary path or interest becomes less significant or fades away as you progress in your primary career.
All said your questions cant answer such questions without actually looking at your palm.
Arriving at a conclusion in palmistry involves a comprehensive assessment that goes beyond simply asking questions. While questions may provide some insight, palmistry primarily relies on physical observation and analysis of various hand features. To reach a conclusion, one must consider multiple factors, including the shape and size of the hand, the lines and mounts present, the texture and flexibility of the skin, finger length and proportions, nail shape, and overall hand symmetry.
I have a horizontal long line , little shallow in nature which starts from start of life line and cute through head , heart ,fate, sun and ends touching the money line , what does it signify?
My non dominant hand has very few lines in general , most of them form crosses while my dominant hand has many developed lines like fate line and sun line , what does it mean
The presence of fewer lines, particularly with many forming crosses, on your non-dominant hand compared to your dominant hand is not uncommon in palmistry. The dominant hand typically reflects the active, outwardly expressed aspects of one’s life, while the non-dominant hand often represents inherent traits, potential, and subconscious influences.
Having fewer lines on the non-dominant hand, especially with a prevalence of crosses, could suggest indicate obstacles, challenges, or significant life events that have influenced or interrupted the natural flow of energy associated with those lines.
It’s important to remember that palmistry is not an exact science, and interpretations can vary based on individual characteristics and circumstances. While crosses may indicate challenges or disruptions, they can also represent opportunities for growth, resilience, and overcoming obstacles.
Ultimately, the specific meaning of crosses and the overall pattern of lines on your hands should be considered in the context of your unique life experiences, personality traits, and current circumstances. Consulting with an experienced palmist may provide further insights tailored to your individual situation.
I don’t see mine on here. My right fate line curves to the right almost running parallel to my life line. My life and head line are separated about an inch apart. The fate line runs in between those two.
My left hand is the same except I appear to have 3 fate lines. They’re all curved to the left and sit between my life and head line (also about an inch apart on the hand too). There is a break on the fate line at the base of my hand before breaking off into three.
Seems you want the whole palm reading in your inquiry.
you asked. right fate line curves to the right almost running parallel to my life line.
my answer i dont know how it look like.
you asked. My life and head line are separated about an inch apart. The fate line runs in between those two.
my answer. life and head line separated means a rash outgoing person. your fate line running inbetween the 2 is not possible. you might be mistaking it for fate line. even if it does its not a good sign at it is coming near to the mars mount.
you asked. left hand is the same except I appear to have 3 fate lines.
my answer. 3 fate line do not mean more money but supporting income or possibility of income or just strengthening of finances.
how ever hard you may try to describe it cant be a substitute to showing your hands.
Your description maybe inaccurate.
right fate line curves to the right almost running parallel to my life line, means family influence . My life and head line are separated about an inch apart, means you are rash outgoing never mission out on opportunities. The fate line runs in between those two, have not understood as i have not seen your hands description not detailed enough.
Left hand is the same except I appear to have 3 fate lines, dont know what quality of life line .
What if fate line has a Y upside down, a branch that comes from the mount of Moon or upper mars mount
y pointing towards the fingers is good sign. have not understood how the fate line is according to your discription. it maynot be what you are thinking it to be
One influence lines from Moon mount merge with Fate line and same time Rahu line cut the fate line but fate line continue and also after the cut under the head one branch goes upward from fate line …is Union is affected by Rahu line ?
“When an influence line from the Moon mount merges with the Fate line, it indicates improvement or positive changes at that specific age. As for the Rahu line, I’m not familiar with that term. You might be referring to the negative Mars horizontal line, which is associated with negativity, anger, and aggression.”
My fate line and life line originate from same line but fate line doesn’t touch the head line also influence line comes and stops at head line , What does that mean
Your question is unclear still. I will try to answer even if. it doesn’t match as to what you have asked. when you say my fate line and the lifeline originate from the same line. it could actually be the starting point of the fate line and the ending point of the lifeline. This is what you might be meaning. This is quite common. Nothing to worry about. You go on to say the fate line does not touch the headline. What you are trying to say is that the feline ends before the it touches the headline before the age of 35 So there could be certain problems that you could face before the age of 35 You also mention influence line I don’t know which influence lines you are talking about. Probably you are talking about the Mars line coming from the area of Mars negative. It is a negative line. If it comes and stops and ends on the headline it could mean some problem at the age of 35. Now whatever I may have answered could be incorrect because I have not seen your hand.
I have a cross in the beginning of my fate line. what does that mean?
A cross sign on the line of money could mean something related to problems in finances at a young age. But this is not a bad sign because when we are young, we are able to face challenges. and come out of it as well. due to that. youthful energies. But this cross if found towards the middle or the later portion, then it is a bad sign. But still I would say that I might say that the cross is negative but they could be some good signs that could be there on your hands. on that particular time on some other line therefore. do not worry too much..