Table of Contents
Introduction of Palmistry
Palmistry is reading all aspects of one’s palm to tell about the past present and future of a person. This article is a beginner guide to palmistry. Basics of palmistry such as fingers, lines and mounts are explained here.

Estimated reading time: 17 minutes
What is Palmistry
Palmistry is reading planets’ position, strength and weakness on one’s hands.
Science of Palmistry
There is a method and science behind palm reading. Start learning palmistry by reading the article slowly.
Benefit of Palmistry
The benefit of palm reading is to know our strengths and weakness. To work on our weaknesses and to use our strengths to our advantage. Although an amateur palmist or a fake palmist can misguide and leave a deep scar on one’s psyche. So give your time to find the right person to guide you.
Scope of Palmistry
The scope of palmistry is to guide and tell about life and events. Not everything can be told. If you discuss your problems in detail a palmist may be able to guide you better.
History of Palmistry
The history of palmists dates back thousand years back in India and Rome. Indian rishi developed and researched this science along with astrology.

Gypsies red Indian used a thumb to analyse a person physical strength and strength of character.
Early history of Palmistry
It dates back to Hindu scriptures, Romans, Red Indian (mainly the thumb reading) and China as well.
Modern development in Palmistry
Modern palmistry was developed and made famous by Cherio to the world, but at the same time, it has always been a way of life in India.

Cheiro himself learned palmistry from Indian saints and went back to Europe to present it to the world. This is the reason why we can’t say that Cherio invented it.
Study of Hand
Is classified into various aspects, each aspect is important and does give some insight into one’s life past present and future.
Classifications of hand as per Structure
The hand structure plays an important aspect of palm reading that most amateur palmists ignore to concentrate on the lines. It’s so important that the whole palm reading changes with the structure of the hand.

A strong structured hand makes a person strong in every aspect of one’s life. While a weak structured hand weakens every aspect of one’s life. Feeble hand makes the personality of hand feeble.
The structure of the hand is further classified under the square, spatulate, conical.
Classification of hand as per color
A general impression is that darker hands are bad and white hands are good. This is a wrong way to analyze one’s palm. We must take into account Asian hands, European hands, African hands. People from different countries have different colours, therefore, we should have a sharp eye as to how to categories the colour of the palm.

Even if you do not know palmistry but have an eye to look at a palm and use common sense you will come to know if the hand is healthy and the colour appears bright. It is safe to assume that the person is healthy.
If the hand appears pale maybe oxygen levels are lacking. The health may not be up to the mark. Yet purely basing health only on colour may be erroneous.
Classification of hand as per thumb
A strong thumb indicates strength in every aspect of one’s life while a weak strength indicates weakness in every aspect of one’s life. The strength in character and physical strength comes from a strong thumb.

Red Indians used to base the hand in terms of shape and size of the thumb. They in fact used to cut the thumb and keep it as a treasure.
Red Indian was a society based on jungle life and to survive in the jungle you needed to have strength. Therefore what better way to look at strength than to look at the thumb. The thumb lies at the base of the Mount of venus the planet for energy, vitality, stamina and ability to produce.
In every society especially in the jungle and where mortality rates are higher ability to produce is of high importance.
Study of Fingers
The 4 fingers play an important part in one’s life and the major planets are indicated by the four fingers i.e. Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mercury. The strength and weakness can be indicated by the strength or weakness of the fingers. Bones if strong in a finger indicates the planets will give a positive outcome. Try to correlate fingers to the iron rebar of various dimensions. Rebar that is thick and strong means that planet exerts strongly in one’s life. Weak rebar if used in a building can collapse the building with slight flooding, earthquakes or hurricane.

Study of Index finger
The index finger is represented by the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is known as a big planet, it is so big that if you keep 11 earth, side by side it is still bigger. Therefore Jupiter means everything that is big. It indicates expansion, growth, honour, systems, politics, religion, bossism, submissive etc.

If the finger is very long and nearing the Middle/Saturn finger it represents bossism. If on other hand the Index/Jupiter finger is substantially shorter then it means submissiveness. It is rare to have the first finger to be long.
This does not mean that a person with a shorter Jupiter finger meaning submissive nature will be more successful than the person with longer Jupiter finger meaning bossism.
Study of Middle finger
The middle/Saturn finger represents wisdom, money management, responsibility, being grounded, knowing the ground situations very well, being realistic. Whereas the negative qualities of Saturn are unwise decisions, bad management of money, irresponsible, unrealistic, pains in the body, unknown diseases, secrets.

The middle/Saturn finger is the longest in everyone compared to other fingers. Although it’s the finger of money yet it’s better not to have a very long finger of Saturn. If we take a look at hands of Warren Buffet we will find that the finger of Saturn is quite short.
If I have to give a reason why a shorter Saturn finger is a better indication than a longer finger it is.
- saturn is a slow moving planet, therefore longer finger means delays, harships.
- if the finger is long then excess of saturnian qualities come to the individual. Good quality of saturn is good managment of money but bad quality is excessive greed.
Study of Sun Finger Ring finger
The ring/ Sun finger is the finger for creativity art music, risk-taking, gambling, fast money, brilliance, colours, share market, name and fame.

If the ring/ Sun finger is longer and almost reaching the Saturn finger it may indicate the person to be a gambler. Warren Buffet has a long finger of Sun. A very long ring finger may take a person towards the love of intoxication. It may or may not mean addiction to gambling, or alcoholic drinks. Long ring finger makes the person social and loves get-togethers.
Study of Mercury finger Little finger
The little finer/mercury finger represents communication, skills, calculations, intelligence.
If the little finger is very long and crosses the top phalange line of the ring/sun finger then it’s a good sign. Such people are good communicators with the people who the person doesn’t know and people close to him

If the little finger is real short then it represents the person may be able to communicate with far off people more effectively than people who are really close to her. The person may create distance between the near and dear ones. The thirst for knowledge may increase with a short little/mercury finger. I have seen lot many teachers, PHD holders who have short mercury fingers.
Study of Thumb
Thumb plays a major part in our personality our character comes from the strength or weakness of the thumb.
Generally, it is perceived a short thumb to be a bad sign while a long thumb to be an excellent sign real-life examples of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both have a short thumb. This is the reason why we can’t generalise that short thumb indicates.

I have also seen hands of people with a long thumb and they are not as successful. The reason for this phenomenon is that politicians work on what people want not what they themselves want. If a politician had a very long strong thumb they may upset lot many people. So it’s okay to have a short thumb.
But a feeble looking thumb is not good as it pulls the person downwards and weakens one’s personality. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both have a short thumb but not a feeble thumb.
Study of Nails
Nails tell a lot about the diseases one can suffer. It’s not just palmist that talk about the diseases by looking at one’s nails, even doctors are taught to look at the nails of a person.

Medical science does talk about nails size structure to give possibilities of different diseases.
Study of Structure of Nail
- V shaped nails means nerve related issues.
- V shaped nails + flat nails means nerve related issues compounded.
- V shaped nails + flat nails + skin covering the nails means nerve related issues at highest levels to point of paralysis.
- Bloated nails Lung relates issues. (abonrmally bloated nails)
- Small nails Heart realtes issues. (very tiny nails)
Study of Color of Nail
The Colour of nails does have a bearing on the health of the person. Pinkish nails are considered to be the best. While pale and blackish nails may indicate a lack of minerals or lack dietary supplements. It may also indicate certain diseases.
Study of signs and symbols on Nail
You may notice a moon-like thing at the base of the fingers. Not much is said about this aspect in any palmistry books.
It is my guess it may have to do with a particular planet being active in our life while the moon is visible on our fingers.
Study of signs and symbols on Nail
Certain white dots are also seen on the fingernails it may indicate some health-related issues. Depending upon the finger, health-related issues may vary.
Position of the Planets
The calculation of planets its strength and weakness are analyzed in a different way in comparison to astrology. Realistic questions can be answered accurately in palmistry.
Types of Hand Reading
After reading good palmistry books I can conclude that all of them say the same thing. It’s the authors of different palmistry books that present palm reading in different ways. Each palmist has a different way of interpreting palm in the same way each palmistry author present the palm reading knowledge in a different way, but the essence is the same.
Zodiac place in Hand
Zodiac has no place on the hand but we do have the same planet as the zodiac in palm reading as well. The qualities that the planets represent in Zodiac is the same both in the birth chart as well as hand reading.
Basic study of Mounts
A mount is an area marked for a particular planet on one’s hands. In addition to, being elevated or depressed. The total area that the mount covers determines how strong it is.
The strength of mounts varies from person to person. It’s a misconception that mounts need to be well-padded to give positive results. Therefore, positive results can be expected even with no padding over the mounts.
Undoubtedly, the fact that mounts are padded more than usual reveals the richness of the planet’s traits. Raj yoga or auspicious yoga may be indicated by a cushioned mount with favorable signs. Due to a positive mount, a person is more likely to achieve financial independence, money, possession, riches, name, and celebrity.
A mount that is flat, depressed with a small area marked may still give positive results. For instance, in astrology, there is Neech Bhang Rajyoga, which gives positive results.
Jupiter Mount
Jupiter is the biggest planet and it represents administration, religion, politics and honor. Mount of Jupiter indicates the growth in our life. Mount of Jupiter is for the authority.
Saturn Mount
Saturn is the slowest planet and it represents delays, hardships, wisdom, responisibility, unwise decisions, money managment. A good mount of saturn represents the person values money, respects money and the person prays for money. Saturn is also the planet for depression and depressive tendencies.
Sun Mount
Sun is the brightest planet and its the planet that gives energy to the Earth. Mount of Sun represents risk taking abilities, creativity, socializing, clarity in our life, doubts or self doubts. A good Sun mount represents if we have brought clarity to our life. People who lack in clarity are likely to be unsuccessful due to self doubts. Sun shines theefore it represents the name and fame. Its also the planet for ego.

Mercury Mount
Mercury maybe the smallest planet and it has the smallest finger yet it hold great importance. Mercury is not wisdom as wisdom is depicted by Saturn. Mercury is more about skills, calculations, communiucation, intelligence and knowledge.
Mars Mount
Mars is the red planet and it represents anger aggression and fire. A prominent, padded mount means good fighting spirit. The absence of a large surface area of the mount indicates a person who lacks fighting spirit and may lose confidence and lack the fire within them.
Moon Mount
Moon is the planet for imagination, visualization, romance, motherly feelings, compassion, and selfishness. The overly prominent or absent mount may take a person to the extreme.
Venus Mount
Mount of Venus is an important planet for energy, stamina, vitality, and desires. A negative absent Venus mount may indicate to lack of desires and early burnout of a person. A good mount of venus does not guarantee success every time. But it means despite repeated failure the person will have a never die attitude. Therefore the probability of success increases with a prominent mount of Venus.
Rahu Mount or Plains of Mars
Indian system of palmistry some people say it’s the area of Rahu while the western system has renamed it as Plains of Mars. This area is very important as all major lines cross during the most productive portion of our life. The significance of this area is due to the quality it represents. It’s the area of temper. A person who has a controlled temper will succeed while the person who has no control will fail.
We must relate temper to as tempering of sword. A sword that is not tempered well is likely to be brittle and likely to break.
• Study of Ketu Mountain
Study of Ring
Ring of Saturn
Ring of Sun
Ring of Mercury
Ring of Moon also known as the Via Lascavia Line
Ring of Venus
Basic study of Lines
Study of Life Line
The life force the energy is seen on the life line. For instance we can predict ones health , accidents, health issues, energy, stamina, vitality by looking for indications on the life line. Furthermore even ones success, failure, money, property, luck indications too show up on the life line. Morever life line can at times indicate how successful the person is likely to be.
There is a famous saying “everything is energy”. If so then energy plays a major role in ones life. Without energy there is nothing and person is likely to fail without energy.
Study of Head Line
The head line is the line of thought process and mental inclination and not intelligence. Headline shows mental strength, weakness, waviness. Meaning of head line explained. Upward leaning head line towards the fingers is considered to be rare line indicating success.
Study of Heart Line
The heart line is the physical condition of the heart. The heart line is one of the most important line on our palm just like the physical heart importance in our body. The heart line can show emotional turmoil, flirtacious nature, detachment, focus, our love for money, responsibility, idealism, sensitivity and many other aspects.
Our life is full of challenges and without being able to handle stressful situations one can not be successful. Nothing comes easy in life and one has to accept challenges in ones life.
For this reason if person has a rock solid heart the possiblity of success increases. People who have a simple heart line are ones who remain focused and this is the main reason for success.
Study of Fate Line
Study of Marriage Line
The attachment line is commonly referred to as the marriage line. The presence of an attachment line does not guarantee marriage.
Study of children Line
Children’s lines on one’s palm is mainly indicated by perpendicular lines on the attachment line at base of the thumb. In addition, the island line sign at the base of the thumb also indicates children in one’s life. Been studying palmistry for the past 30 years but this is one line I don’t talk about as I have been unable to pinpoint.
Study of Sun Line
Sun line is also known as luck line, name and fame line. Undoubtedly a person will attain name and fame if the person has a deep and clear sun line but this does not mean if line is absent the person can’t attain name and fame. I personally do not call Sun line to be luck line. Normally is associate the Sun line to be how much energy you putting to your work. If the line is deep and clear you are likely to energise your work where as weak lines means doubt and self doubt.
Some or few palmist associate Sun line to be government service line. I never call it as government service line. Government service is basically associated with government and governance. Ask yourself do we point our third finger the finger of Sun to get the work done. On the contrary we point our first finger the finger of Jupiter the planet for governance and authority to get work done.
Study of Mercury Line
The Mercury line is the line for skills and calculations and communication. If the mercury line is deep and clear it’s possible the person is constantly sahrpening his/her skills. As every person who shows the hand wants to know about success. Its anybody guess if the person possesses the skills is likely to be successful. Therefore a deep clear perpendicular line indicates sure shot success in almost everyaspect of ones life.
Study of Mars Line
Fish sign explained in palm reading
This is a sign that has grown in prominence in the recent past like 5 years. Some palmist give all the goodness to it. I have a totally different opinion about fish sign in palmistry. Please read through an article dedicated towards the fish sign only.
• Study of Foreign Line
• Study of Symbols
• Study of Cross
• Study of Circles
• Study of Triangle
• Study of Rectangle
• Study of Square
• Study of Mole
• Case Study
Timing of Events
Marital Happiness
Denial of Marriage
Symptoms of extramarital affairs
Relationship with others
Medical Palmistry
Hello! Sir Frist of all i appreciate your work…..
My question is that My heart line goes downward on the mount of Jupiter and touch the head line ….what its effect on my love life ….?
A long, heart line indicates emotional sensitivity, often leading to touchiness and emotional disappointments. If the heart line touches the headline, it suggests further emotional setbacks and potential misplaced affections, where one invests in unworthy individuals.